With scriptural references, we have been able to establish that the Holy Spirit is a personal Being. From the doctrine of Trinity, we have also said that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one God. But how can we prove that the Holy Spirit is God?

Again, the scripture is the answer.


(i) God is eternal (Ps. 90:2; 1Tim. 1:17).

▪︎ Heb. 9:14 speaks of the Holy Sprint as also being eternal. Check also Jn. 16.7.

(ii) God is omnipresent. Present everywhere at the same time and in equal magnitude (Jer.23:23-24).

▪︎ David also said that the Spirit of God is everywhere (Ps. 139:1,7-8).

(iii) God is omniscient. i. e. all-knowing (Is.46:9-10; Acts 15:18).

▪︎ Apostle Paul also says “the things of God are known only by the Spirit” (1Cor. 2:11).

(iv) God is omnipotent i.e all-powerful (Gen. 17:1; Jer. 32:17,27).

▪︎ Angel Gabriel speaks of the Holy Spirit as the “power of the Highest.” (Lk. 1.35). The power of the Highest is the Highest Himself.


(i) The Holy Spirit was active in creation. Look up Gen. 1:1-2, 26; Ps. 33:6. Compare Jn. 1:1-3.

(ii) God is the Source of life (Gen. 2:7).

▪︎ Jesus says “the Spirit makes one to be alive.” (Jn. 6:63).

▪︎ Apostle Paul also says “the Spirit gives life” (2Cor. 3:6), and that “the Spirit is life” (Rom. 8:10).

▪︎ The youg Elihu also attested to this, while addressing Job and his friends. Look up Job 33:4.

(iii) The Word of God (the Bible) was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Check 2Tim. 3:16; 1Pt. 1:21b. Also look up Ps. 2:1/Acts 4:24-25; Ps. 95:7-8/Heb. 3:7.


There are some scriptures in the Old Testament that refer to God. The same scriptures are ascribed to the Holy Spirit in the New Testament.

(i) Is. 6:8-10 refer to God speaking.

▪︎ Acts 28:25-27 quotes the same verses but says the Holy Spirit said it.

(ii) In Jer. 31:31-33, God made a covenant.

▪︎ In Heb. 10: 15-17, it says the Holy Spirit made the covenant.

(iii) Ps. 95:7-11 speaks of hearing God’s voice.

▪︎ Heb. 3:7-11 refers to the Holy Spirit speaking there.

(iv) There are some scriptures that refer to the Holy Spirit as God. Look up Acts 5:3-4; 2Cor. 3:17.

Reflection: How do we as Christians deal with God and how does God deal with us as Christians? Check Jn. 14:13; Rom. 8:14, 16.

▪︎ Man consists of body, soul, and spirit. Before we encounter Christ, we’re on the fleshly level, ruled by our body. Our soul and spirit are in the second and third place respectively. When we are born again, our spirit is moved to the dominant position and the Holy Spirit takes control, helping us to conform to the image of Christ. Look up 2Cor. 3:18. See also Gal. 5:16. Study the whole of Romans chapter 8 for better understanding



As important as the Holy Spirit is to Christians, the average church member’s understanding of the Holy Spirit is so vague that it’s nearly non-existent. It is therefore a thing of necessity for us to study the Holy Spirit, to have a proper understanding of who He is and His works.

The study of the Holy Spirit (PNEUMATOLOGY) raises certain basic questions like… Who is the Holy Spirit? What is the biblical evidence for the personhood of the Holy Spirit? What did the Holy Spirit do in regard to creation? What is the Holy Spirit’s role in a person’s conversion, sanctification, and subsequent Christian life? What is the connection between the Holy Spirit and Spiritual gifts? These are some of the issues the Lord will help us to examine in this lesson.


The “non-trinitarian” Christians (who do not believe in the doctrine of Trinity), believed that the Holy Spint is merely God’s “active force”,  “essence” or “power” but not a separate person.

However, the “trinitarian” Christians believed the Holy Spirit to be “the third Person of the Trinity,” a triune God manifested as “God the Father”, “God the Son” and “God the Holy Spirit”, each being God (I Tim. 3:16).

▪︎ The Holy Spirit is a distinct divine Person equal in substance to the Father and the Son, and not subordinate to them.

▪︎ In the scriptures, the Holy Spirit is also referred to as “The Spirit” (Acts 8:26; 16:7; Rom. 8:26; 15:30), “Spirit of God” (Acts 16:6; Rom. 8:14), “Spirit of the Lord” (Acts 8:39; 2Cor. 3:17-18), “Spirit of Truth” (Jn. 14:17; 16:13), “Spirit of Grace” (Heb. 10:29), “Spirit of Christ” (Rom. 8:9) or the “Holy Ghost” (Matt. 12:31; 28:19; Jn. 14:26; Acts 5:3; 13:2; 2Cor. 13:14).


In biblical language and understanding, a “Person” is presented as a substance that can do personal and relational things, such as speaking, thinking, feeling, acting, etc.

How Do We Know That The Holy Spirit is a person?

▪︎ The Holy Spirit is a Member of the “Trinity” (God in three Persons) and as such is a person.


1. The Holy Spirit Has Attributes Of A Person. Attributes that only a person could have:

▪︎ He searches and has knowledge/intelligence (1Cor. 2:10-11).

▪︎ He has a will (1Cor. 12:11).

▪︎ He has a mind (Rom. 8:27).

▪︎ He loves (Rom. 15:30).

▪︎ He makes decisions (1Cor. 12:8-10).

▪︎ Personal pronouns (third person, singular) are used when referring to the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:16-17;16.7-15).

2. Personal Acts Are Ascribed To The Holy Spirit

▪︎ He speaks (Acts 8:29; 13:2; 1Tim. 4:1).

▪︎ He prays and intercedes for us (Rom. 8:26.

▪︎ He teaches us (Jn.14:26; 1Jn. 2.27).

▪︎ He guides, and sometimes forbids things (Acts 16:6-7).

▪︎ He does miracles (Acts 8:39).

▪︎ He helps (Rom. 8:26).

3. The Holy Spirit Can Receive Treatment As A Person.

▪︎ He has feelings and can be grieved (Eph. 4:30).

▪︎ He can be insulted (Heb .10:29).

▪︎ He can be lied to (Acts 5:3).

▪︎ He can be blasphemed (Matt. 12:31-32).

4. The Holy Spint Is Identified With The Father And The Son as a person.

▪︎ He is named with the Father and Son in baptism (Matt. 28:19).

▪︎ He is named with the Father and Son in benediction (2Cor. 13:14).

▪︎ He is directly equated with God (Acts 5:3-4). If God is a person then the Holy Spirit is a person.

▪︎ He is named with the Father and Son in the ministries of the Church (1 Cor. 12:4-6).

…to be continued



Newness, though promised by God, is not that automatic but conditional. There are certain fundamental laws that guide and ensure newness. These laws must be understood and obeyed by anyone who truly desires newness in their lives.

In this study, we shall consider six of those laws.


The law of priority states that, if you put the right thing first, everything else will fall in place (Matt. 6:33).

When a person seeks and places other things above God, such a person will continue to struggle for newness.

▪︎ Prioritizing God above other things is honouring God (Prov. 3:9-10).

▪︎ Whatever you put before God has become a god in your life and God will not be pleased with you (Exd. 20:3; 34:14). Consider the rich man in Matt. 19:16-22.

▪︎ The blessings of Abraham exist today because he prioritized God over everything, even his only son. See Gen. 22:1-3, 15-17.

▪︎ To prioritized God is to consider and put God first in all things.

▪︎ The greatest and foremost commandment is to love God with all our being. Look up Matt. 22:37-38. When we do this, our newness is certain.

2. THE LAW OF WORK (2Thes. 3:10)

The law of work is similar to Newton’s first law of motion, which states that, “an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion unless it is acted upon by an external force.” This simply means that, nothing moves until someone moves it.

▪︎ Your career will not experience newness without you making deliberate efforts to advance it.

▪︎ Neither will a marriage experience newness of bliss without some efforts by both parties.

▪︎ A believer’s spiritual life will not experience newness unless he or she puts in some works.

▪︎ Having certain gifts and talents does not guarantee newness unless you put them to work.

▪︎ Hard work will beat talent if talent does not work hard. Consider Jesus’ parable of talents in Matt. 25:14-30.

▪︎ The more resources God gives you, the harder you must work. See Lk.12:48

▪︎ If you want to experience newness, put excuses aside and make the best out of whatever situation you find yourself.

3. THE LAW OF HARVEST (Gal. 6:7).

The law of harvest states that, whatever a man sows, he will reap (2Cor. 9:6).

Another beautiful thing about the law of harvest is that, you will reap what you sow in greater proportions. Look up Hosea 7:8a; 2Cor. 9:8.

God Himself obeyed the law of harvest. He had to sow His only Son in order to reap many more children into His kingdom. See Rom. 7:29; Heb. 2:9-10;

▪︎ If you want to experiane newness in your financial life, you must be ready to obey the divine law of harvest in your work, business and in giving. See Prov. 11:24-26.

▪︎ Every giving you do, you are sowing a seed and whatever you have given will come back to you in multiple folds. Look up Lk 6:38.

▪︎ Apostle Paul commended the giving spirit and attitude of the church at Philippi and he pronounced an everlasting overflowing blessing upon them (Phil. 4:19).

▪︎ There will always be opportunities to give. It is left to us to discover it and make use of it.

▪︎ You may sow sacrificially don’t sow grudgingly (2Cor. 9:7).

4. THE LAW OF UNITY (1Cor. 1:10).

The law of unity states that, a state of oneness, harmony, and love among two or more more people bring about peace, progress and greater achievement, both corporately and individually. It is one of the amazing laws that God set of on earth. Look up Deut. 32:30; Lev. 26:8.

▪︎ If you have been praying about newness in a particular area of your life but without an answer, find someone to agree with you in prayers. Check Matt. 18:19.

▪︎ Unity is a very powerful force. Check Gen. 11:1-8; Matt. 12:25.

It is likened to anointing (Ps. 133:1-2).

Certain newness will not be possible until you apply the law of unity to it.

▪︎ The Holy Spirit did not descend until the Apostles were in one accord in the Upper Room (Acts 2:1-4)

▪︎  A husband and wife who are not united are denying themselves newness in their marriage. Look up Eccl. 4:9-12.

▪︎  A church in unity grows.


The law of y association simply states that, an individual becomes like the people he or she associates with (Prov. 13:20).

▪︎ This law is subtle in its operation, and many people don’t realise when it is working on them.

▪︎ It is a law that must be understood and applied correctly.

▪︎ You must carefully choose the people you associate wth. Look up 2Cor. 6:14-18.

▪︎ Be friends with people who can challenge you and discuss great ideas with you. Not those who gossip  and are only interested in entertainment when you’re together.

▪︎ If you desire newness, you must be mindful of

not only the people you associate with but the contents you consume as well, especially on social media. See 1Cor. 15:33.

▪︎  Whatever you read or watch has a great influence on who you become.

▪︎ When you want to change something about yourself, change the people you associate with.

▪︎ For newness in your academics, associate with brilliant people and those who have excelled in academics.

▪︎ For newness in your spiritual life, make friends with people who read their bibles and pray regularly.


The law of righteousness simply states that, obey God , and you will excel (Deut. 28:1). Jesus also echo it in Matt. 6:33.

Righteousness in simple terms means to do what is right. To be in right standing with God, avoiding a life of sin.

▪︎ If someone commits sin, he is yielding himself to the devil who is his master. (1Jn. 3:8; Rom. 6:16).

▪︎ The devil takes care of his own with what he has and God also takes care of His own with what He has.

▪︎ The devil has nothing to offer than to steal, kill, and destroy (Jn. 10:10a) but what God has for His children is abundant life (Jn. 10:10b).

▪︎ The things that look like the gains of sin are actually baits of the devil. He collects more than he can ever give.

▪︎ To experience newness, live a life of righteousness (Prov. 21:21).

▪︎ Christ is the righteousness of God. By His grace alone can we live a righteous life that guarantees an all-round newness.



Emblems are symbolic representations of something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible.

The newness experience may not be visible, but it’s a tangible happening that are depicted through many associations of occurrences.

God instruction in Isaiah 43:19 is to do a new thing. The evidence/emblem of newness experience are the way and waters/rivers/streams He made available to turn around the ugly situations of His people to new experiences.

Our exhortation this evening is to discover from the word of God events that characterise an experience of newness. They are notable association that cannot be separated from newness.

When God made water available in the desert, they all drank satisfactorily from the unending source of God. The water was visible for all to see and drank from(Psalm 126:4;Isaiah 35:7).

God made a way in the wilderness so that the thick bush paths now became accessible to all the dwellers and passer-bye. Nobody could deny the express road through which they sojourn (Exodus 14:21)

Identifying the emblem of newness

1. Newness is associated with a new lease of life like what Naman experiences – II Kings 5:14

2. Newness is associated with rejoicing and jubilation like the lame man experienced after many years of limitations and captivity Acts 3:3-9

3. Newness is also characterised with laughter following pleasant surprises Sarah received against a natural order of event- Gen. 21:6-7; Job 8:21 Compare Gen.17:17 & 21:6-7.

4. Newness is closely linked with communal testimonies, drawing men to celebrate what God has done. Psalm 126:1-2; John 4:24; 39,42.

5. Newness features a joyous and celebration mood and scenarios -Psalm.118:15; Isaiah 52:9; Isaiah 54:1

Life Applications:

God is sharing through Isaiah’s words that even today, as it was true centuries ago, God is doing a new thing in our lives, making paths through our problems and being the light in a dark world. He sent His son to be our Saviour and to open the door to this new thing through salvation in Him. He is the living water today that brings about a refreshing and new satisfaction to quench thirst souls.

Let’s Pray Together.

1. Thank you, Jesus, for your words are ever true and ever potent – Psalm 119: 160; Heb.4:12

2. Let your find fulfilment in my life today and always in the name of Jesus- Jeremiah 1:12; Psalm 119:89; Luke 1:38

3. This season, the Lord my God will saturate my life with happiness and good things in the name of Jesus- -Eccl.3:12-13

4. II Kings 5:14.  Father, cause to experience a new lease of life better than what I am currently passing through.

Let every infirmity or blemish in my life be washed away by the blood of Jesus for a new life today.

O Lord, as you turn the situation of Naman around for good, I shall experience a brand-new turnaround this hour in Jesus’name

5. Acts 3:7-10- Let rejoicing and jubilation fill my life this season because you are doing a new thing concerning me in Jesus’name. 

Let ceaseless praise fill my mouth from now onward

6. Gen.21:6-7- Turn my longstanding weeping into lasting laughter in the name of Jesus.

Laughter and tears of joy shall fill my mouth this season in Jesus’ name

7. Psalm 126:2- My era of visible testimonies is here in the name of Jesus


Our objective today is to attempt to study in a bit what the word of God can do (Heb.4:12; II Tim.3:16). Through the Holy Spirit, we shall be searching through the word of God to gain understanding for life application. Having understood the integrity of the word of God, its reliability, infallibility and absolute truthfulness, now we shall be examining.

To understand the power in the word of God, we shall be looking into the potency of God’s word side-by-side with its uniqueness and characteristics.

1. Creative- the word of God is creative, and this is demonstrable in several pages of the scripture. It is thefoundational to the Christian faith. In Genesis, we see that God’s spoken word brought the entire universe into existence. This illustrates not only His authority but also the inherent power of His words to create (Genesis 1:3- This verse highlights God’s command as the mechanism for creation. The act of speaking brings forth reality from nothing. (Heb.11:3- This passage reinforces the understanding that God’s Word is the source of all that exists, emphasizing faith in its creative power. The creative aspect of God’s Word extends beyond the physical realm; it also creates spiritual realities in the lives of believers. (John 1:1-3)

2. Regenerating: The regenerative power of the Word is a central theme in the New Testament, illustrating how God’s Word brings spiritual rebirth and transformation. This emphasizes the enduring nature of God’s Word, which brings about new life that is eternal. (John 3:5-7; 1 Peter 1:23; James 1:18)

3. Transforming: The word of God is a transformer capable of changing all things. The transformative power of the Word of God affects every aspect of a believer’s life, changing their mindset, behavior, and character. The instrument is of transformation is the Holy Spirit and the more you yield, the more you are transformed. (Romans 12:2; Colossians 3:16; 2 Corinthians 3:18). The overall aim of divine transformation through the word is to become like Christ.

4. Revealing- the deepest revelation available for children of God is in the word of God. (Mark 4:22; Daniel 9:2). The Word of God serves as a revelation of God’s nature, His will for His children and the truth about man (Gen.8:4; Eccl.7:27-29). It provides clarity in a world filled with confusion serving as a comprehensive guide for life (2 Timothy 3:16). Psalm 119:105 illustrates how God’s Word guides believers in their daily lives, illuminating the way forward. The word of God is powerful enough to discern the deep thought of man (Hebrews 4:12).

5. Restoring- God’s Word has restorative power, bringing healing and reconciliation to those who are broken or lost (Jer.30:17). Psalm 19:7 says, “The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.” And in Psalm 147, the restorative power of God’s Word is evident in its ability to heal emotional, spiritual, and relational wounds. (Psalm 147:3). This verse underscores God’s compassionate nature and His active role in healing those who are hurting, often through His Word. Check the potency of God in these scripture-Isaiah 61:1; Matthew 11:28-30 and bring out the lesson(s)

6. Weaponry/Combating: Beyond the protective and defensive power of God’s words, we also have embedded in the word of God repository of weapon of different usage and relevance. (Check the kinds of weapon in this scripture- Heb.4:12; Psalm 19:3-5; Eph.6:17 and state how it can be applied). The Word of God functions as a critical weapon in spiritual warfare, equipping believers to stand against temptation and evil. Jesus uses Scripture to counter the temptations of Satan, demonstrating the efficacy of the Word in resisting evil (Matthew 4:1-11), for us to learn from the master. This highlights that the battle against false ideologies and spiritual strongholds is fought with the truth of God’s Word.

7. Instructive: The instructive nature of the Word of God is vital for guiding believers in their faith and moral conduct.

2 Timothy 3:16-17: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

  – This passage outlines the comprehensive role of Scripture in shaping a believer’s life, equipping them for service and good works.

Proverbs 6:23: “For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and correction and instruction are the way to life.”

-The imagery of light illustrates how God’s teachings illuminate the path to righteousness and understanding.

Psalm 119:11: “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

  – This reflects the importance of internalizing Scripture to prevent sin, indicating that knowledge of God’s Word leads to a life aligned with His will.

Colossians 3:16: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom.”

  – This verse encourages believers to engage with Scripture not only personally but also communally, fostering a supportive environment for spiritual growth.

Conclusion/Life Application The Word of God is an incredibly powerful force in the life of a believer. It is creative, bringing forth life and reality; regenerating, offering spiritual rebirth; transforming, renewing minds and character; revealing, providing truth and insight; restoring, healing the broken; weaponry, equipping believers for spiritual battles; and instructive, guiding moral and ethical living. Each aspect emphasizes the profound impact that Scripture has on individuals and communities, empowering believers to live out their faith authentically and effectively. Through consistent engagement with the Word, believers can experience its life-changing power in every area of their lives.

THE WORD OF GOD- THE FUNDAMENTALS OF CHRISTIAN FAITH (PART III) – 2 Peter 1:19-21; Joshua 1:8; Psalm 19:7-11; 2 Tim 3:16

Lesson Aim: To understand the word of God and know how to handle it appropriately and properly to profit our lives as children of God

The Bible is God’s revelation about Himself
From our lesson previous week, all that has been said about the word of God is that the Bible gives full and ample testimony about God. Bible is also the authoritative voice of God to man. This is why theologians speak of Scripture as being ‘self-authenticating’, – it bears witness to itself in hundreds of verses as speaking the words of God himself.
How are we to interpret the Bible?

  1. Because all Scripture is inspired (2 Timothy 3:16) it does not contradict itself. The best way to understand the Bible is to compare one part with another: the Scripture is self- interpreting (1 Corinthians 2:13). Ask older Christians to help you if you have difficulty, but remember, no human being or church is infallible. Every other words of men are fallible and secondary.
  2. The Bible is to be understood literally except where a figurative sense is obviously intended. There is symbolic language, poetical, allegorical and prophetic language; all are used in the Bible, and we need to understand when each author is using these different types of language.

Firstly, the symbolic – Jesus said, ‘I am the door’, ‘I am the vine’, ‘I I am the light’, and ‘I am the good shepherd’. He is speaking symbolically. Each of these sayings represent or illustrate an important truth about his relationship to us; the door speaks of him being the entrance into eternal life; the vine speaks of His life-giving relationship to the believer; the light speaks of his power to dispel the darkness of our ignorance, the good shepherd speaks of his care for us as his sheep.

  • The Bible also uses poetic language. David says, ‘the trees of the woods shall rejoice before the Lord’ (1 Chronicles 16:33) and Solomon says, ‘the sun… rises and the sun goes down’ (Ecclesiastes 1:5). In both places the author is using language poetically not literally.
  • In his ministry Jesus also spoke to people in parables, which were word pictures from everyday life used to explain spiritual truths. For example, a tiny seed growing into a big tree illustrates how the kingdom of God, although it has small and humble origins, grows to be the greatest of all the kingdoms.
  • The Bible also uses prophetic language; Isaiah speaks of a suffering servant who will come into the world to bear the sins of God’s people (Isaiah 53). This was fulfilled by the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 8:32-35) almost 800 years later.
  1. We should always interpret the difficult and obscure parts of the Bible by the obvious and clear parts, e.g. the Gospels help us to understand the events in the Book of Revelation, not the other way round!

How should we study the Bible?
Read it reverently: God is speaking to you, Christ has died for you (Luke 24:25- 27, 32)
Read it sincerely: God promises to bless those who seek him with all their hearts (Jeremiah 29:13)
Read it prayerfully: God promises to answer honest prayers (Matthew 6:6)
Read it regularly: God feeds our souls by his word (1 Peter 2:2) just as we feed our bodies with food.
Believe what you read: Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).
Practise what you read: God has promised, “Obey my voice and I will be your God.” (Jeremiah 7:23)
Understand what you read: Jesus said that we can only do his will when we know what it is. (Matthew 13: 19-23).


We are still cling to the God of Satisfying Harvests as contained in His words for us this month of August-Ezekiel 47:12
Today , we are examining the “Timely Divine Harvests”; to see what God has in stock for us even in time like this. Let’s look first at:

The message of the Lord to us as His children this morning is that of Hope, Confidence and Assurance in Him and what He can do.
God’s message is relevant for us even this time, for in Him, there is no seasonal variation or affectation by change in time- Psalm 102:27; Malachi.3:6; Heb.13:8“But You are the same, And Your years will not come to an end-Psalm 102:27
What else can keep us going in this world full of uncertainties, hopelessness and failures here and there?
The answer is only found in God’s word “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away- Mark 13:31”
God in His words is saying to us this day 11th August 2024;
Joel 2:23 –“Be glad, people of Zion, rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given you the autumn rains because he is faithful. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before.
 We are commanded to jump for joy and Be Glad- Psalm 30:5

 We are asked to rejoice in the Lord your God( Yes! YOUR GOD)- Hab.318

 Because we have a God who is faithful -Psalm 100:5

 Because we have a God who have done it for us He is ahead of us “…..for he has given you the autumn rains….. He sends you abundant showers…”Joel 2 vs 23b

 Because we have God who can do wonders over and over again “….because he is faithful. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before.
These are the reasons we are not bothered for our God is involved, He doesn’t forsake His own people (Hebrews 13:5b).
For this we know as His children” Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture- Psalm 103:2”

The timeliness of God’s Harvests :
Joel 2:23- For he hath given you the former rain moderately, And he will cause to come down for you the rain, The former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.
 God is God of time. He doesn’t come late in action- John 11:43-44
 He is God of perfect time . It speaks of the just right time- Deuteronomy 11:14 ; Jeremiah 5:25.
 He is God of beautiful times- Ecclessiates 3:11 in line with His unfathomable plan

Your due rain of timely Harvests is here in the name of Jesus – Deut. 28:12
God shall send you your own autumn and spring rains for your needed harvest in Jesus’name

The Appropriateness of God’s Timely Harvests – Joel 2:24
• Gods harvest is suitable and proper in the circumstances
• understands
• The master architect and artist of the universe designs harvest that is magnificent, perfect and best for the situation- Gen.26:2-3;6;12-13- at appropriate time Isaac land yielded the best harvests

The magnitude of God’s Timely Harvests Joel 2:24-25
 God’s harvest is a full one Joel 2:24a The threshing floors shall be full of wheat, And the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil.
 God’s harvests are diverse 24b
 God’s harvest is huge vs 26, plenty and very satisfying
 God’s harvests are praise worthy – Vs 27
 God’s harvests reflects the wonder of God- Gen.26:12; Isaiah 48:21
 God’s harvests cancel shame- Ezekiel 36:20

God’s harvest is real even in time like this. God of autumn and spring rains is pouring harvests unto hands.

THE WORD OF GOD- THE FUNDAMENTALS OF CHRISTIAN FAITH – 2 Peter 1:19-21; Joshua 1:8; Psalm 19:7-11; 2 Tim 3:16

Lesson Aim: To understand the word of God and know how to handle it appropriately and properly to profit our lives as children of God

The Word of God is loaded with profit for man (Isa. 48:17). Many Christians today carry the Bible but fail to understand what the Bible carries. It is not possible to know and fully comprehend what the Bible carries and remain an ordinary person. The Word of God is the richest treasure on the face of the earth, the richest treasure that a man can access (Col. 2:3; John 1:1)

What is Bible vs Word of God? The Book of God the Bible is a collection of 66 books written originally in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. Its writers included prophets (Moses and Isaiah), Kings (David and Solomon), a farmer (Amos), a tax collector (Matthew), a doctor (Luke) and many others. This alone of all the religious books in the world is God’s book. We cannot add anything to it (like the Catholics, Mormons and Moslems try to do) nor can we take anything from it (Deut. 4:2; Rev. 22:18-19; Mark 7:1-13).

The Scripture is not the same as earthly literature, it is spiritual adventure. Scripture does not come to give you information but for instruction, it comes to impart you revelation (1Sam. 3:21). The Bible does not claim to tell us all that can be known about God and his ways; the more we learn, the more we know. The Bible is not given to satisfy our curiosity about all scientific, philosophical or theological questions; it is given to show us who God is and how we can come to know, love and please him: (Deuteronomy 29:29; John 20:30-31). If we read the Bible with reverence, humility of heart and with understanding of the Holy Spirit, then we shall find that God speaks through it to us today and it is ever relevant words.

Bible comprises Old and New Testament, with different writing styles and focus but all pointing to the living God, His ways and wills leading us how to please Him all the days of our lives.

The Origin/Author of the Word of God:

Men spoke from God

The Bible is God’s book through which he speaks to us clearly and unmistakably through all kinds of different men: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:20-21).

Each book of the Bible therefore has two authors, the Holy Spirit who is the primary author and the person who wrote the book! We must recognize therefore both the human and the divine elements throughout the Bible. We can see that the different authors each have their own style, uniqueness and characteristics. But regardless of men writing down the word of God, it remain infallible and preserved by God, authors through Holy Spirit are prevented from making errors either in doctrine or in matters of historical fact.

The Old Testament as God’s Word and how the New Testament writers believed it.

The Old Testament worship and sacrifices were temporary and pointed forward to the coming of the Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ. This is explained very fully in the Letter to the Hebrews. This means that parts of the law given to Moses were of a temporary nature to be observed only until Jesus

There are many examples where New Testament writers quote from the Old Testament, showing their full acceptance of it as the word of God. Throughout his writings Paul is continually quotes from the Old Testament to prove various points-

And we declare to you glad tidings – that promise made to the fathers. God has fulfilled this for us their children, in that He has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm: ‘You are my Son, Today I have begotten You’ (Acts 13:32 – 33).

See also Romans 15:4; 1 Corinthians 2:9; Galatians 3:6 -13. The writer to the Hebrews, James, Peter and Jude all do the same (Hebrews 1:5-13; James 2:8-11; 1 Peter 2:6-10; Jude 7, 11, 14)

The Word of God is one and unbroken- John 10:35ff

a) Jesus Christ believed it. The Lord Jesus Christ fully believed the Old Testament and often quoted passages from it to prove a point. Here are some examples-Isaiah 61:1- 2; Luke 4:17,20-21; John 5:46-47; Luke 24:44).

b) Why God caused it to be written down. God took great care to see that his Word was written down very accurately so that it could be handed down from one generation to another. In this way his will would be made known and preserved for the future. We can see how this was done both in the life of Moses and in the prophets who lived several hundred years after him: -Exod. 24:3-4; Isaiah 8:1; 30:8; Jeremiah 25:13). The word of God is written as the Bible to preserve from loss ( (2 Kings 22:8-23:2; Nehemiah 8-10).

For further study look up Deuteronomy 17:13-19; 31:24-39; Joshua 24:26; 1 Samuel 10:25; Jeremiah 36:4, 45:1; Habakkuk 2: 2.

c) The word of God is precious: God’s Word is very precious because it shows us the truth about God, about ourselves and the way to everlasting life. It teaches us how God wants us to live and it preserves us from sin and from temptation-Psalm 19:9- 11).

For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope (Romans 15:4).

THE GOD OF SATISFYING HARVESTS – Ezekiel 47:12; Psalm 85:12


Today’s passage is about a vision of hope given to the prophet Ezekiel who lived in exile for 25 years in Babylon (40:1).

Today’s passage (Eze 47:1-12) describes a marvellous river flowing from the temple to bring life and healing to the land.

This vision reveals God’s heart for a broken world and testifies about the gospel of Jesus. God wants us to know his heart and to give us a river of life that flows out to heal our broken hearts and our violent world.

Satisfaction can be defined as meeting the expectations, needs, or desires of (someone).

Whatever is satisfying is pleasant and enjoyable. It is not endured

Harvest means the time of year or season when crops are ripe and ready to be gathered for consumption.

Harvest could be fat or thin; rich or sparse.

What Satisfying Harvests implies

Message of Comfort and Assurance: A satisfying harvest is a message that guarantees comfort and assurance of stability for the children of God against proliferating hunger poverty, economic melt down and emerging and re-emerging global epidemics. ( Lev.26: 1-5; Psalm 91 :10)

The message of hope against hopelessness ( Romans 5:5; 1 Kings 7:1)* for the children of God wherever they found themselves

The emblem of harvest here include flowing rivers, fruits, leaves

Understanding the God of Satisfying Harvests:

Everything about satisfying harvest centres around the God of all possibilities ( Luke 1:37; Gen.18:14; Jeremiah 32:17).

Let’s gain some understanding about our God, how He guarantees the satisfying harvest for each of His children

  • God the Source:  He is God, the source of all Harvests. (Gen.1:28-29.) Without Him nothing can be that ever exist- (Gen.9:1,7; 1 Cor.3:6-7). Out of His fullness, He gives all who desire to receive from Him ( John 1:16)
  • God the Supplier. God is not just the source of harvest but He is also God the supplier of every harvest. He is supplying all the need of His children in the dimensions of His riches.( Phil.4:19; Psalm 23:1). He supplied enabling grace per time for outstanding harvest of success. ( II Cor.9:8; Psalm 36:8).
  • He is the the God of sweet and suitable harvest-Eccl.3:14; Gen.26:1; 12-14. God is the controller of time and season, He doesn’t answer to varying climate. He can change anything but He doesn’t change. He brings out the best of harvest even where it is least expected.( James 1:17-18; Exodus 16:35). Acts 14:17)
  • God the Sustainer: The power of God is demonstrated in that He has power to sustain whatever He initiated. He is the sustainer of satisfying harvests (Lev.26:4-5). His covenant of unending harvest stands till this day ( Gen.8:22;
  • God the chief Security: God cares optimally for His children. He watched over whatever He blesses us with.( II Chron. 16:9; Psalm 121:4-7). He also secure every harvest of good things He granted- Psalm 107:37-38.

Prayer Guide

1. O Lord, my due harvest will not elude me in the name of Jesus

2. Father, all my labour of the past and present shall yields bountiful harvest for me this season in Jesus‘ name

3. Father in the name of Jesus, let my heaven of harvest be perpetually open



(8)Believers of today have greater and better privileges than this poor widow:

(i) She was a stranger, nothing related to the judge but God’s praying people are His own ELECT whom He knows, loves, delights in, and always have concern for (Eph. 2:12-13, 19; 1Pt .2:9-10).

(ii) She did not tie herself to the formalities of the law but made personal application to the judge. See Is. 59:1-2. Compare Heb. 4:15-16.

(iii) She came to a judge that bade her to keep her distance (Lk. 18:4a) but we come to a Father that bids us to come boldly to Him (Heb. 4:16) and teaches us to cry Abba Father (Gal. 4:6-7; Rom. 8:15). “Abba” in Hebrew means “Father” and is used to address God in a relatìon of personal intimacy.

(iv) She came to an unjust judge but we come to a righteous Father. One that comforts His poor creatures, especially those in distress as widows and the fatherless (Rom. 2:11; Acts 10:34).

(v) She came to this judge purely upon her own account but God is Himself calling unto us. Check Jer. 29:12-13; Is. 65:24; Matt. 11:28.

(vi) She had no friend nor powerful people of influence who could plead her case before the judge but we have an Advocate Who ever lives to make intercession for us before the heavenly Father. Look up Rom. 8:34; Jn. 16:23; 1Tim. 2:5.

(vii) She could have access to the judge only at some certain times but we may cry to God day and night (Lk. 18:7). “If there’s a man to pray, there’s a God to answer.”

(viii) Her importuity was provoking to the judge (Lk. 18:5) which might set him more against her, but our importunity is pleasing to God. See James 5:16b.


“Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?”

▪︎ The word “And” at the beginning of Luke 18:1 is an indication that chapter 18 is a continuation and a build up on chapter 17 of Luke, where Jesus was speaking about the mystery of His coming.

▪︎ The question is a rhetorical question (a question asked without expecting an answer but for the sake of emphasis or effect). But from it we can deduce the following:

(i) The point is not about whether God will do what He has promised to do but whether we will trust Him to do it.

(ii) Jesus will come again but will His elect be ready when He comes?

(iii) When the Son of man comes the way He promised in Luke 17 (Lk. 17:20, 26-30, 34-36), will He find people praying the way He commanded in Luke 18:1? Compare Lk. 21:36; Rom. 12:12; Eph. 6:18; Col. 4:2; 1Thes. 5:17.

(iv) Continual devotion to prayer should be a way of life, not only when occasion demands. See Is. 62:6-7.

(v) This question requires a personal answer from every believer.

(vi) Jesus will indeed find faith on earth when He comes because He has promised that His Church will endure (Matt. 16:18). But will He find you in the faith?


We continue to pray because we believe that God cares about us and will do what is right in the end. If we give up on prayer and stop praying, we are practically saying that we do not believe God will listen to us at all. May the Lord help us to remain in faith till He comes in Jesus’ name.