Psalm 59:9-10a

A.  Relying on The Ever- Reliable God

Life can let us down, people will let us down, but the Lord is always reliable.

Reliability is something that we crave in our relationships.

To be reliable simply means to be faithful; to be consistently good in quality or performance; to be trusted.

Faithful means to be utterly trustworthy and totally reliable.

And if there is someone that is utterly trustworthy and totally reliable, His name is Jesus. “Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever” Heb13:8

What He says, He does. What He does, He does with the best delivery for His children.- Isaiah 49:15

Our Savior Jesus Christ is reliable to give us strength for life’s journey.

Prayer of Thanksgiving:

Father, I thank You for being totally trustworthy and reliable.

Every time I call, whether night or day, You come and save me, thank You Lord, in Jesus Name.

B.  How to Successfully rely on God

1. Overcoming Human Perception of Timing- John 11:21 & 32.

When our timing does not sync with God’s timing we begin to doubt His reliability.

Mary and Martha sent a message to Jesus, “the one You love is sick”. But Jesus did not respond based on their timing.

“Instead of coming immediately” He stayed behind even though He loved Lazarus.- John 11:6

Jesus eventually showed up after Lazarus had died and had been buried for four days.


God will show up for me today even where i have perceived He is late.

Jesus will arrive to turnaround my situation for testimony

Every dead issues of my will receive the living God today in Jesus’ name

So many people are waiting on Jesus but they are looking at the clock – our time – biological time; earth timing, factual clicking. 

You need to understand that that thing you are scared of, when Jesus shows up He is able to reverse it.

Prayer Declaration:

I have confidence in You, Jesus. I have confidence in You, any time, any day. I have confidence in You.

2.  Overcoming Human Perception of our Challenges- Mark.4:38-39.

At times, we look at the magnitude of our challenges and storm and they appear bigger than the omnipresent beside us.

Whatever He allows in our lives is not bigger than Him. All is to bring glory to His name- Job 1:13-19, 22 vs 42:2, 10

What He said He will do, He will do. If He needs to raise the dead, the dead will rise.

What are you going through that you think time has passed or too big for God?

Prayer Declaration:

No matter what i am passing through now, it will end in glory. It will bring glory to the name of the Lord

At the end of the day, I will rejoice over my challenges in the Name of Jesus.

Father, Your promise is that You will be with me till the end of time and there are no conditions to Your Word. I embrace Your reliability, in Jesus Name (Jude 24-25)

3. Overcoming Human Limitation of Reasoning, Knowledge and Logic – 2 Kings 7:2.

Some things appear too much for our common brain to reason and we think it is too true to believe

Man of God vs the officer- battle of supremacy

Do not put your logic in the way of the power of the Holy Spirit. It may not make any sense but guess what? God is involve

Prayer Declaration:

Father intervene in my affairs this day and turn terrible situations around for good in the name of Jesus

God of all possibilities, let there be divine intervention in the economy of Nigeria that things will be great again in the name of Jesus

Dear Lord, Beyond my limitations prove yourselves as God over our lives in Jesus’ name

Holy Spirit, help me, take me beyond every limitation logic has formed in my mind and help me to be discerning, in Jesus Name.

4.  Seeing God as the sole creator and the sustainer of creations- Col.1:16- 17

God is not just the creator. He is the sole creator

He also carry the power to watch over and sustain together all His creations

He can create any thing even what cannot be created- John 1:1,14. We can rely upon His word to achieve His will for us

Prayer Declaration:

As I continue my journey of 2024, even from tomorrow “My God is my rock, in whom I find protection.

He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.

He is my refuge, my savior, the one who saves me from violence and scarcity in Jesus Name.

5. His words and promises can ever can be trusted

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise” Heb.10:23.

It was by faith that even Sarah was able to have a child, though she was barren and was too old. She believed that God would keep his promise” Heb.11:11.

Why should we hold tightly without wavering in spite of the trouble; in spite of our timing or in spite of logic?

Because God can indeed be trusted to keep His promise.

John 11:4 When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”

Prayer Declaration

As I continue in the journey of 2024, I speak the word of God into my life …….for Lazarus did not end in death …… my challenging circumstances (…..fill in)   will not  end in death, in Jesus Name


ISAIAH 58:11; EXODUS 33:14

To secure something is to keep, protect, preserve or guard it from being lost or threatened.

The Lord has promised and made available to us His guidance and satisfaction (Is. 58:11).

What He promised is not a momentary, seasonal, or time bound experience but a continuous day-to-day enjoyment.

But how are we going to continue to have and enjoy it, without losing it or having the fear of losing it?


After moulding a molten calf and worshiping it at Mount Sinai, the Lord commanded Moses to carry the children of Israel to the promise land (Gen. 32:1-6, 34).

However, God said He would only send an angel to go before them but He Himself will not go with them (Exod. 33:2-3).

Sin is the greatest enemy that can make a person lose God’s divine guidance because the eyes of God cannot behold sin (Hab 1:13).


Moses knew that he could not go on this assignment alone and succeed so he asked for a suitable and able ally to partner with him.

We cannot succeed on our own, by our own wisdom, efforts, or technical knowhow. We need the helping hand of God.

God can only partner with you if what you’re doing is His will. He will not reward you for an assignment He didn’t commit to you.

To enjoy a secured divine guidance and satisfaction, you must have a personal relationship with God, with a desire to know Him more and more through His divine revelation.


God responded to Moses’ request with a clear statement of assurance (Exod. 33:14).

The abiding presence of God guarantees a secured guidance and satisfaction. It makes the difference in all matters.


1. God’s omnipresence.

God is present everywhere at all times and in equal magnitude (fullness of His presence).

David affirmed this in Ps. 139:7-8 “Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.”

The New Testament believer carries the presence of God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Gen. 28:15-16; Heb. 13:5).

2. God’s manifest presence.

Something that occurs in our lives as God chooses to reveal Himself.

▪︎Jacob at Bethel (Gen. 28:15-16)

▪︎Moses at the burning bush (Exod. 3:2-6). ▪︎Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Dan.3:24-25).

▪︎The disciples in the storm (Mk 4:39).

Do not allow the darkness of the right or the presence of the storm cause you to doubt whether God is present and working in your life as He promised.

The storm of life cannot deny His presence but provide opportunity to prove His promised presence (Is. 43:2; Dan. 3:24-25; Rom 8:28; Jer. 29:11.


It is a great thing to take comfort in the promise of God’s presence but it is a greater thing to live and walk in His presence, by choosing to align ourselves with His plan, purpose and will for our lives (Jer. 29:11 ). This is what actually guarantees our continuous enjoyment of His divine guidance and satisfaction and we will have rest on all sides (Exod. 33:14b; Jos. 21:43-45).

The essence of the christian life is to live all of life in the consciousness of God’s presence, under His authority, and for His glory.

▪︎Do you know God or you just know about God?

▪︎Have you had a personal encounter with Him?

▪︎Did you know the will of God for your life, job, career, business, marriage, family… and are you operating in that will?

▪︎Are you walking in the consciousness of God’s presence?


▪︎I want to know you Lord. Reveal yourself to me everyday and teach me your ways in Jesus’ name.

▪︎Help me not to operate outside Your will in Jesus’ name.

▪︎Help me to always walk in the consciousness of your presence, not to depart from your presence in Jesus’ name.

▪︎Help me not to lose your guidance in Jesus’ name.

▪︎Satisfy me and give me rest on all sides in Jesus’ name.


Mark 3:13-15


  • Focus week is an avenue for every Baptist women, men, youth and children to do a a critical appraisal of our walk with with God- 1 Cor.10:12
  • It provides opportunity for all to restrategise and keep focus on Christ who is able to lead us to the utmost end- Heb.12:2-3; Jude 1:24-25; Heb.7:25
  • To understand what is God’s mind time from time to time ( Newness) because in it we can sustain our relationship with the Father and we become satisfied all day long (Prov.4:18; 2 Cor.3:18; Jer. 30:19; Isaiah 58:11)

Understanding Discipleship and Apostleship – Mark 3: 13-15.

A. The Caller and call of the disciples vs 13a

  • Jesus is the caller- Matt.4:18-19
  • He call everyone first into salvation- Titus 2:11; John 3:16b; Matt.6:33
  • He call into different tasks and services – Eph. 4:11-13-
  • He ordain ( empower) whosoever respond to His call- vs 14a; 1 Thes. 5:24

B. The Choice and commitment of the disciples

  • The choice of disciple is to respond promptly, appropriately and fully- …..and they came unto Him….at the said hour, no record of going away to come back another day.- Matt.4:20;22; Luke 14:17-20
  • The choice is a personalised one- Mark 3:16-19; Matt.4:18, 21
  • Everyone must remain committed to His call- Luke 9:23- daily walk with the Father

C. The Content of the task and commissioning of the disciples

  • First and foremost, it’s to be with Christ-  Matt. 11:28-3; Mark 4:11; . A call to connect constantly with Him. He model life in close proximity ( John 15:5-6; James 4:8)
  • Then to go out and preach the gospel
  • Given authority to do miracles, signs and wonders

Outcome of Discipleship and Apostleship

  • You become want He wants you to be
  • Newness in all dimensions – 2 Corinthians 3:18