Today we want to study the most neglected part of the parable of the prodigal son, which relates to the older son. The main lesson the Lord was teaching the Pharisees and the Scribes is contained in the attitudes of the older son.


1. His relationship with his father was based on works and merit (Lk. 15:29). He points out to his father that he has always being obedient and working so he had earned himself a party.

▪︎Christians should know that the blessing we received from God is not according to our own efforts but by His mercy and grace. Check Rom. 9:16.

2. He found service a toil instead of a joy (Lk. 15:29). He was certainly a good worker and not lazy but he thought of himself a slave, instead of a son that he truly is.

▪︎Believers should not serve God with the energy of the flesh but learn to do less themselves so that God may do more through them. Look up Phil. 2:13; 4:13.

▪︎Service to God should be seen as a privilege and not a burden, and should be done in joy. Check Ps. 100:2; Heb. 12:28-29.

Reflection: Is there any difference between working for God and working with God? Explain.

3. He was dominated by SELF (Lk. 15:29).

(a) He was self-righteous. Truly he had not done awful things his brother is guilty of but his “holier-than-thou” attitude is not a kingdom virtue. Compare Lk. 18:11-12.

(b) He was self-centered. Take note of the words “I”, “me”.

▪︎Are you always talking about yourself, of your experience and achievements? Do you always or sometimes want to be the centre of attention? Those are the manifestations of MR. SELF.

(c) He was full of self-pity. He acted like a baby, making a sad and sorry spectacle of himself. Compare 1Cor. 3:1-2.

▪︎The cure for self-pity is to fix our eyes on Jesus. See Heb.12:2.

(d) He was self-satisfied. He was content with his efforts to obey his father’s orders.

▪︎This is a picture of one (a believer) still living in bondage to the law. Check Rom. 8:15-17.

4. He was full of ingratitude (Lk.15:29).

As the older son, he had received the larger part of his father’s property (two-third) yet he was complaining. He perceived his father as being stingy and unfair.

▪︎Worldly Christians are not grateful for many blessings they have in Christ but focus only on what they have not received. Check Eph.1:3-5. Compare Gen. 2:16-17; 3:6.

▪︎Carnal Christians see God as being unfair by accepting tax collectors and sinners into His family and blessing them who are undeserving.

5. He was filled with envy and jealousy towards his brother (Lk. 15:30). He should have been thrilled with gratitude that his brother had returned but he was consumed with justice and equity.

▪︎Jealousy is a very cruel thing (Prov. 27:4). It is killing (Prov. 6:34-35; SOS 8:6b). It is a symptom of carnality (1Cor. 3:3), and can starve one of joy and peace.

▪︎Believers should be filled with gratitude for repentant sinners rather than being jealous and envious of the grace they would enjoy by returning to God, in place of condemnation and punishment they deserved.

6. He showed no concern or sympathy for the lost (Lk.15:30). He preferred his brother remain an outcast rather than returning and having a place in the home. He severed kinship with his brother. “…this your son..”

▪︎Christians should be filled with sympathy and loving concern to see sinners saved and to help restore the backslider.

▪︎Any one who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in darkness. Look up 1Jn. 2:9-11.

▪︎Believers and repented sinners are both brothers and co-heirs in the kingdom.

7. He does not understand grace and has no room for forgiveness (Lk. 15:30). The demonstration of grace by his father made him angry (Lk.15:28).

▪︎Grace and forgiveness is quite necessary and appropriate. “meet that we should make merry” (Lk.15:32).

▪︎Believers should rejoice and celebrate on the return of every sinner.

8. He was out of sympathy with his father and didn’t share his father’s burden. He rather picked up argument and quarrel with his father.

▪︎Instead of being content for sinners to remain in the far country and to die in their sins, believers should share the passion, the love, and the spirit of our Master. Look up Matt. 9:36; Lk. 19:10.

9. Rather than enjoy fellowship with his father, brother and the community, he stayed outside the house and nursed his anger.

▪︎Believers should not harbour bitterness in their hearts to the extent of choosing misery and isolation over restoration reconciliation.

10. The remedy for worldliness and self-centeredness is found in the amazing and tender words of the father (Lk. 15:31):

(a) “My son..” (Privilege)

▪︎Christians should rise to the full dignity of their high calling in Christ as sons of God and act accordingly. Compare 1Jn. 3:1-3.

(b) “You are always with me….” (Position).

▪︎Christians are heavenly people with Christ (Eph. 2:6). It is therefore unworthy for heavenly citizens to be so earthly minded. See Col. 3:1-3.

(c) “Everything I have is yours…” (Possessions).

▪︎God has given everything to us in Christ. We only need to be conscious of it and posses our possessions, instead of being envious of others’ blessings and gifts. If you’re not receiving, it’s because you’re not asking. Look up 2Pt. 1:3; Jn. 16:24; Matt. 7:7.


The older son lives today! He is presented as a “son”, meaning a believer, but a carnal one he is. Born again (Jn. 1:12-14) but worldly (1Cor. 3:1-4). Saved but dominated by self. Examine yourself, are you the older son? Repent today and forsake the attitude of the older son. May the Lord help all of us so to do in Jesus’ name.



Stewardship is based on the realization that everything we have belongs to God and He wants us to use them to accomplish His purposes.


Jesus was in the middle of teaching when a man requested: “Master, speak to my brother, that he divide the inheritance with me” (Lk.12:13).

The first response from Jesus was to explain that this wasn’t his job (Lk. 12:14).

Reflection 1: Why do you think Jesus said it is not His work to judge in the matter brought before Him? Does it mean that He has no judicial power, despite being the King of kings and the Lord of lords? Look up Jn. 18:36. Compare Lk 12:15.


The point of the parable of the rich fool is twofold:

1. We are not to devote our lives to the gathering and accumulation of wealth. Look up Ecl. 2:18. Compare Matt. 6:25, 31-33.

▪︎If money is your master, that means God is not (Matt. 6:24. Compare Mal. 1:6.

2. We are not blessed by God to hoard our wealth to ourselves.

▪︎We are blessed to be a blessing in the lives of others and to build the kingdom of God. To abound in every good work.

▪︎If we honour God with what He has given us, He will bless us with more so that we can honour Him with more. Look up 2Cor.9:6-9.


By all standard, the world will call this man a successful, wise and intelligent man but God called him a fool.

▪︎Note that Jesus did not condemn the man for being rich, and we were not told that he got his wealth dishonestly.

▪︎A food in Biblical language is not a description of mental ability but of spiritual discernment.


1. He did not see the hand of God in his harvest but only his own effort (Lk. 12:16).

▪︎ Our material blessings are either a mirror through which we see ourselves (our efforts) or a window through which we see God.

▪︎The man might have worked hard but it was God who crowned his efforts with success. Look up Rom. 9:16; 1Cor. 3:6.

2. The man thought within himself (Lk 12:17), but his thoughts were heard and examined in heaven, which is not slow to pronounce judgement on him.

▪︎God sees our hearts and hears all our thoughts, and He will deal with us accordingly. See Prov. 21:2; 1Sam. 16:7; Jer. 17:10; Ps. 44:21.

▪︎Remedy for ungodly thoughts- 1Chr. 28:9; Rom. 12:2.

3. He speaks as one at a loss and full of perplexity (Lk. 12:17)

“What shall I do” instead of “God, what do you want me to do with this harvest?”

Reflection 2: In what other ways do you think the man should have handled his surplus?

4. It was folly for the man to call the fruits of the ground his fruits and his goods (Lk. 12:17). Compare Ps. 24:1.

▪︎Whatever we have is lent to us to use. We should be able to differentiate between ownership and Stewardship. Check Hos. 2:8-9.

5. It was folly for this man to make plans and leave God out (Lk.12:18).

▪︎We should acknowledge and involve God in our plans. See Prov. 3:5-6.

6. He was concerned about himself alone. We could notice the words “I” six times and “my” five times. This is a display of pride, ego and fear.

▪︎God is never happy with the proud (James 4:6), and He has not given us the spirit of fear (2Tim. 1:7).

▪︎Worrying about our provision is on act of unbelief, and anxiety is opposite of faith (Matt .6.32).

7. He was trying to control the fate of future crops by the present harvest. (Lk. 12:18-19).

▪︎God owns and knows what tomorrow would bring. See James 4:13-16; Dan. 2:21.

▪︎The barn that was too small today could be too big tomorrow. Consider Pharaoh’s dream (Gen. 41:29-30).

▪︎The bible does not discourage us from looking to the future with great expectations, but we are to plan from the perspective that ultimately, God is in charge, and with humility to Him.

Refection 3: What is your opinion about people who hoard goods with the aim of selling when price increases?

8. He was storing his treasures in the wrong place. He failed to plan for treasure in heaven, forgetting that there is life after death.

▪︎We should store up treasures in heaven by partaking in the work of the kingdom. Look up Matt. 6:19-20.

9. He was trying to satisfy his soul with the things meant for the body “…eat, drink, be merry” (Lk. 12:19).

▪︎We don’t live to eat, we eat to live. Check 1Cor. 6: 13a; Matt. 4:4.

10. He missed the point of life (Lk. 12:20).

▪︎Life is a loan that must be repaid back to God upon demand, and whatever we accumulate here on earth, we would leave behind (Prov. 39:6). Why then should we struggle and wear ourselves out to accumulate them? Look up Eccl. 2:21-23; Job 27:8.

▪︎The major weakness of earthly riches is that, they have no purchasing power after death. Check Jam. 2:5; 1Tim. 6:18-19.


The central focus of Jesus in this parable is to speak on the matter of covetousness and greed, which was the origin of the problem with the two brothers.

If you fail to acknowledge God for your achievements, make plans and leave God out of it, live for the moment without thinking of heaven, or live without the understanding that life is a loan which must be paid back when demanded, you are a fool in God’s eyes. Am I a fool?. May the Lord help us to amend our ways in Jesus’ name.



Today, God will be opening our mind to understand the relationship between God’s promises and His covenant.

The weight the covenant of God has on His promises are part of the confidence and assurance will have in whatever God has said. ( WHAT IS SAYS HE WILL DO; THAT’S WHAT HE WILL DO THAT IS WHY YOU ARE CALLED JEHOVAH—-TO RI NAA LE SE N JE OLUWA…..)- Malachi 3:6

Promises are what God blesses His children with and the covenant of His faithfulness and righteousness are the unbroken seal and anchor that make the promises unfailing in our lives

Covenant is the string that link promises and fulfillment. The covenant will propel us through a journey into the place of fulfillment of the will of God. Romans 4:20-21

GAINING FURTHER UNDERSTANDING OF GOD’S PROMISES- Psalm 103:17a. The promises of God are demonstration of God steadfast love and mercy to His children.

    The promises of God are valid and unfailing- “Praise be to the Lord who has given rest to His people Israel just as He has promised. Not one word has failed of all the good promises he gave through his servant Moses” (1 Kings 8:56). The promise of God is validated from many pages of the scripture-

    • Promise of rest: 1 Kings 8:56 vs Exodus 33:14 /Deut.12:10 / Joshua 22:4 /Jeremiah 6:16 / Heb.4:8 / Matt 11:20.  God is not tired of giving us His rest up till today.
      1. Promise of abiding presence of God-1 Kings 8:57- this is also established and validated by God’s unfailing covenant. His presence guarantee direction, protection, security and preservation. 1 Kings 8:57-  ‘’May the Lord our God be with us, as He was with our fathers. May He not leave us nor forsake us’’. ( 1 Kings 8:57 vs  Deut.4:31/ Deut.31:6 / Matt.28:20/ Heb.13:5
    • Promise of abudant provisions- Psalm 36:8 Evidence around us year in and out has proven God’s surprise packages for us His children. I will bless her with abundant provisions;  her poor I will satisfy with food- Psalm 132:15. God has entered into a covenant with us, promising to provide our every need. This Covenant of Provision is backed up by God’s unfailing and unbreakable Word and is accessed by us through faith. Check this too- Psalm 23:2; 63:5; Psalm 65:4; Isaiah 25:6; Jeremiah 31:12,14.
    • Provision of Health and wholeness- Exodus 15:26; Isaiah 33:24- No one living in Zion will say, “I am ill”; and the sins of those who dwell there will be forgiven. When God say no one, He means no one. His covenant for us distinguishes us from the Egyptians. Neh. 9:21 & Exodus 16:35 say. For forty years you sustained them in the wilderness; they lacked nothing, their clothes did not wear out nor did their feet become swollen. In Malachi 4:2; the scripture speaks healing wings’ vigour and vitality. Matt 8:17 confirm Jesus bore our sickness so its no longer ours. His promises also cover restoration to the sick (James 5:14; Jer. 30:17; 33;6).


      God’s strategy and secret is revealed in vs 17 of our scripture, this secure our promises in Him

      • God’s unchanging love and mercy– The promises of God is covenant-linked and it is eternally. This mean nothing is so strong to alter or change it.

      The everlasting nature of God’s loving kindness assures us of His unwavering love and faithfulness. It is not influenced by our performance or circumstances. We can find comfort and security in knowing that His love for us will endure through all seasons of life.

      • The Pattern of Generational Blessings:

      God’s righteousness extends to children’s children. This highlights the generational impact of living in a covenant relationship with Him. This is seeing in God’s seven folds blessing upon Abraham in Gen 12:1-3 and from their it flow to all seed and heirs in Christ ( Galatians 3:16-17; 29).

      Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. (cf. Genesis 12:1-3).

      Consider these scriptures: four eternal unconditional covenants that He makes. The first one is Genesis 12:1-3. That is unconditional. The second one is Deuteronomy 30:1-10 is unconditional. 2 Samuel 7:10-16 and Jeremiah 31:31-40.

      Then there is one that is very conditional and that is Deuteronomy 28:1-68. At the fullest of time Jesus came (Galatians 4:4); in Him who all promises are fulfilled and ratified. ( Luke 24:44; Matt.5:17; 2 Cor.1:19-20). Jesus brought us into this promises ( Ephesians 2:11-13; 2 Pet.1:3-4).


      • Walking in the fear of God
      • Walking to keep the covenant and its terms
      • Walking in obedience with God’s word

      When we walk in obedience and keep His covenant, we are creating a legacy of blessing for future generations.

      Our faithfulness today has the potential to shape the lives of those who come after us, leading them to experience God’s goodness and righteousness.The psalmist emphasizes that those who fear God, keep His covenant, and obey His precepts are the ones who receive His loving kindness and righteousness. Obedience is beyond a mere legalistic requirement but a response of love and gratitude to God’s grace. It is through our obedience to His Word that we align ourselves with His purposes and experience the fullness of His blessings.



      Having understood from our last lesson the quality of God’s promises.  We want to take steps forward to actualize the promises of God for our lives both now and times to come.

      What does it mean to obtain?

      To obtain is to receive; to get; to acquire or secure something.

      What will you be willing that the Lord should do for you?   Know today that you can obtain it in accordance with His will (3 John 2; Jeremiah 29:11; Hebrews 11:40.)

      God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect – Heb.11:40.

      Therefore, understand that you have a role to play. It’s your role to seek, know, to understand, and do what must be done in obtaining God’s lots and portions for you at all seasons ( Psalm16:5; Daniel 9:2-3)

      Psalm 16:5: LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.

      What does Obtaining the Promises Entails:

      Firstly, the First things first:

      Regarding the promises of God, the first truth to underscore is that these promises are coming from God.

      They do not originate from man (men) (Numbers 23:19), so it’s not subject to probability or uncertainties (  James 1:17), regardless of how many they are (II Cor.1:19-20).

      James 1;17: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning”

      …..who does not change like shifting shadows.(NIV)

      Therefore, the focus of anyone who will obtain or receive what has been promised must be on the promise (Matt. 24: 35) and the God who has spoken (Heb.12:2; Heb.10:25; 1 Thessalonians 5:24).

      Secondly, you are to look unto Him for everything — Isaiah 45:22-23:

      It’s not enough to know what God promises are. But you must look unto Him who is all knowing; all powerful and all doing (Isaiah 45 vs 22-23).

      Everyone who wants Him can look unto Him. He said …”all you ends of the earth…- (Psalm 34:5; Matt.11:28;)

      Whosoever would look unto Him will be saved and live (Numbers 21:8-9 & John 3: 14-15).

      Where do you look unto; who else or what else do you call upon- Psalm 37:4?

      God says in Isaiah 45:22c, …” there is none else”.

      Even this season that we are in as a nation, if you will not ignore Him and truthfully look unto Him, you will live; thrive and succeed upon His promises. (Prov.3:5-6; Psalm 37: 18-19;25).

      God said His words have integrity, and His promises are sworn blessings. It’s a great deal to look and be steadfast in your focus- Isaiah 45:23

      And I wonder—in a time that we’re living in now—what could we look to that would be more solid than God?

      And God is the Word (John 1:1). So, look to the Word of God today for your answer. The Bible has the answer for this day. It’s had for other days. It’s got it forever because it is Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.

      Thidly, Hope in God is the next critical step to obtain God’s promises.- Romans 4:18.

      Abraham hopes against all hopelessness (Gen. 15:5 vs 17:17; 21:5)

      Hope beget expectation. Proverb 23:18; Romans 8:24-25)

      Hope preserves the promises of God in our hearts, and it makes us persevere.

      When you look unto God, Hope keeps your eyes on Him until He delivers.

      There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off-Prov.23:18

      But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish-Psalm 9:18.

      Strive to obtain the word of God for your life, it worth hoping for – Romans 4:18b…..” just has it has been said (NIV).

      Edward Mote taught believers hope in Christ alone. All other systems will fail, but hope in God only will stand the test of time.

      My hope is built on nothing less

      than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;

      I dare not trust the sweetest frame,

      but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.


      On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand:

      all other ground is sinking sand;

      all other ground is sinking sand.

      The fourth step for consideration is “A Strong and Growing Faith”- Romans 4:19-20.:

      Faith is what can make you as a believer look unto God for what He has for you.

      Faith fuel the hope to wait with expectation

      Faith in God delivers God promises to us as His children.

      It may not be wrong to have small faith, but your faith in Christ must grow large to become gteat and daring ones.

      “without weakening in his faith….”

      A weakening faith can not obtain God’s promises.

      Note “his faith.”

      It’s your faith that will deliver for you. The faith of others may help, but yours is most important.

      Faith doesn’t deny facts (Romans 4:19b; ) but trust the faithfulness of God( Heb.11:11

      Faith and obedience are intertwined in the actualisation of the promises of God- Gen.17:17, 23. Both fast track and guarantee fulfilment of promises of God.

      Faith and believe are closely linked in the journey of seeing God fulfilling what He has said. When you believe in God and His words( Luke 1:45), it helps to checkmate unbelief.

      Faith is inside believe and believe manifest through faith. Your believe in God can only be shown and sustained through faith.

      Lastly, the fifth step is to base your persuasion and confidence on the power of God- Romans 4:21: … being fully persuaded that God had the power to do what he had promised.

      The power of God is the fulcrum upon which your confidence can stand.

      Confidence is found absolutely and what God has said and the power He has to deliver.



      • To count on means to trust somebody to do something or to be sure that something will happen. Or if you count on something or count upon it, you expect it to happen and include it in your plans.
      • This is the charge of God for us this month of June- to learn to depend absolutely on what He has said He would do for us all year round
      • Would you count on Him who is able to do all things even beyond your thought and imagination? – Ephesians 3:20
      • This is a call to cast all your cares upon Him who cares for you so much than anyone, both now and even tomorrow- Jer.29:11; 1 Pet.5:7

      Psalm 55:22- ‘’Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.’’


      Abraham is the father of faith that is ever qualified to instruct through the Holy Spirit.

      He highlighted two major things about God and His promise from Romans 4:20-21:

      1. God has a promise for His children for every situation or condition of time or season. The promise of God; in Genesis 15:5, and Genesis 17:16.

      He also speak of the capability of God to do whatever He says- Isaiah 58:11; Jeremiah 1:12-; 1 Kings 8:15‘’ 

      The LORD said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.”  

      He is able to do all that He promised, – Joshua 21:45; Eph.3:20


      The quality of a matter determines its strength, nature, and characteristics.

      It tells of how much of it to be engaged or considered. Understanding the quality of God’s promises keeps us abreast with God and what He says.

      1. It is sure – Psalms 145:13c; 2 Cor.1:19-20; Heb.10:23; Psalm 23:6a.
      2. It is real, realistic, and realisable- Gen. 37:5-8; 42: 6,9; 43:26,28;44:14; 50:18-19
      3. It is great, unfathomable, and may not be comprehensible to man – Job 9:10; Deut. 6:22-23; Jeremiah 32:21-23
      4. It is numerous and uncountable – 2 Cor.1:19-20
      5. It is timely and appropriate – Hab.2:3; 1 Pet.3:9; Isaiah 46:13; Eccl.3:11
      6. It is dependable and reliable – Psalm 126:1-3; Numbers 23:19
      7. It is unquenchable and unstoppable – Isaiah 55:11, Galatia 4:4; Job 23:14
      8. It is undeniable – Gen.21:6-7; Psalm 126:2b
      9. It is infallible – Psalms 119:89; Isaiah 54:10; Luke 1:37; Luke 2:25-26; 29
      10. It accomplished purpose: Jeremiah 1:12; Ezekiel 12:25, 28; God watch over, guarded, and delivered in full all of His promises.


      The admonition today is to always count on the promise of God. When you do so, you are guarantee of the blessing and fulfillment of His promises.