Prayer is communication between man and God. It means contact with, communion with, and fellowship with God. It is not simply asking God for things.

▪︎ It is the privilege of all to pray (Luke 18:3, 11, 13, 18, 38). To Christians, there should be a right understanding of, and a regular engaging in, the privilege of prayer. This is the focus of the parable of the persistent widow and the unjust judge.

There are two characters in this parable:

1. An Unjust Judge

To be unjust means not based on, or behaving according to what is morally right.

▪︎ It is to be improper, dishonest, unfair or biased. It speaks of treating someone badly in a way that they do not deserve.

Why Is The Judge Described As Unjust?

In Jewish Community, a judge is expected to be impartial, to judge righteously and to recognize that judgement ultimately belongs to God. Look up Deut.1:16-17. This particular judge was not so.

▪︎ The judge is also described as having no fear of God and no compassion for the people under his jurisdiction (Lk. 18:2). It can easily be said of him as unfit.

2. A Needy Widow

According to Jewish law, widows deserve special protection under the justice system. Check Deut. 10:18; 24:17, 19-21; James 1:27.

▪︎ This particular widow was ignored by the judge. Nevertheless, she refused to give up. Eventually, the judge granted her the justice she was seeking. Not because the judge pitied her but because he wanted to free himself from being continuously troubled and disturbed by the widow (Lk. 18:4-5).

Reflection: (a) Why are cases pursued up to the Supreme Court?

(b) It is often said that “the judiciary (courts) is the last hope of the common man.” Why? How true is this in Nigeria?


In this parable, our Lord Jesus Christ stresses the great importance of prayer and of praying. He emphasised that, if an uncaring, unfit, ungodly judge answers with justice in the end, how much more will a loving and holy Father give what is right to His children (Lk. 18:7-8a).

▪︎ We only need to be persistent in asking and have faith that God will eventually answer, no matter how long it takes. He is never late but always on time. See Hab. 2:3.


1. We do not always get immediate results when we pray.

▪︎ Our definition of swift justice is not the same as the Lord’s. Check Is. 55:8-9.

▪︎ God answers according to His will and not our selfish desires (James 4:3).

▪︎ But in all, we can fully count on Him to answer when, where, and how He chooses (1Jn. 5:14-15). Compare Hab. 2:3.

2. Effective prayer requires tenacity and faithfulness.

▪︎ Tenacity is the quality of being determined. It speaks of persistence.

▪︎ A genuine disciple must learn that prayer never gives up and is based on absolute trust and faith in God. See Matt. 7:7-8.

3. The widow continued to go to the judge because she believed that he will eventually grant her request.

▪︎ Persistence in prayer also hangs on faith. Look up Heb. 11:1, 6; 10:23; Is. 55:11.

4. Like the persistent widow, we are needy, dependent sinners who trust in our gracious, loving and merciful God alone to supply what we need. Check Is. 59:1-2. Compare Exd. 33:19; Rom. 9:14-15.

5. Faithful, never-ceasing, persistent prayer is the permanent calling of every disciple of Christ who is committed to living a fulfilled life.

It is an obligation (Lk. 18:1; 1Thes. 5:17).

▪︎ Our new life in Christ can only be maintained by  prayer (Matt. 26:41).

▪︎ Only as we pray can our lives be what God wants them to be, can we know the secret of victory over sin and the power of the Enemy, and can our christian service be what it ought to be. Look up Jer. 33:3.

▪︎ In His Word, God has given us many great and precious promises (2Pt.1:4), a blank cheque book signed with the name of Jesus Christ (Jn. 14:13; 16:23), and with a Bank of Heaven that has limitless resources (Phil. 4:19). Only by prayer can we cash these cheques and obtain the promises (Phil. 4:6).

▪︎ Prayer is the key that locks and unlocks all doors.

6. The unjust judge lacks the fear of God and couldn’t do good.

▪︎ Where no fear of God is, wisdom is lacking and no good is to be expected (Pro. 9:10). But the power of importunity (i.e. the quality of repeatedly asking for something) can change the narrative (Lk. 18:4-5)

7. There are people in the world that are God’s people, His elect (Lk. 18:7).

▪︎ They meet with a great deal of trouble and opposition in this world but they have assurance of victory over all their adversaries (Lk. 18:8a). See Jn. 16:33.

Reflection: Who are the elect of God. Look up Is. 45:4; Deut. 7:6-8; 1Pt. 2:9-10.

…to be continued

Sold out to Christ for Better Hope – Matthew 16:24-26

Understanding the concepts of being sold:

To be sold out to God means relinquishing control and surrendering all at His feet.

A sold-out life in the literal sense is saying my body, spirit, and soul belong to Christ.

It should be our lifestyle as children of God who are committed to the deep things of God.

Selling takes place when goods are exchanged between two individuals for monetary gain and satisfaction – the concept of service and satisfaction

Terms and conditions applied.
The service offer is usually proportional in direct version to the payment made. The satisfaction of either party is likewise related and strongly linked to the price involved. _Matthew 19:27-29-; Luke 18:28-29

Being sold can also be used when a master sells his belongings to another with or without the approval of the subjects.- the concept of servanthood but not servitude

The servanthood in us as children of God makes it possible to live for Christ.

The servant yields to the master in all respects. What the master says inform and dictate the movement of the servant. Servant permits himself to be used of God anyhow and anyway.-

The 3rd concept about being sold out is the willingness of the subject to be released to a superior buyer even when one understands the attending consequences – the concept of sacrifice and submission

Being sold out to the master will only be possible when the subjects willfully surrender to be course.

A life of sacrifice in full. Yielding to Christ in total.
Isaac yielded to the Father not minding what lie ahead- Gen.22:4-5

The Hope of Sold-out Life.

Nothing is sweeter than having a sure hope in Christ

Hope for life in Christ is both in the contemporaries and the world to come.( 1 Cor.15:19

Heb.11:6- God rewards everyone who comes to Him- “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him”.

Abundant life and harvest are the lots of life sold out for Christ

Pattern of life sold out to Christ

Every man has only one life. This life is corrupt by nature until transformation takes place in our heart being about a new regenerated life at salvation.

For this life to be profitable optimally for Christ, it must be exhibit and demonstrate the following virtue.

  1. Must be ready to embrace the word of God – John 6:63
  2. It’s an individual decision and not a collective response.
  3. The call to answer first is to be with Jesus. Being with Him makes you His Disciple and gain an understanding of the Master’s lifestyle- Acts 11

Self-denial is critical. Self must be displaced at the centre of your life for Christ to rule and reign- Luke 9:23. John said, “

Cross is the centre of the pursuit of every life sold for Christ. Without understanding the message of the cross, there is no life1 Cor.1:18; Gal.2:20; Phil. 1:21; Matt.10:23; Luke 14:27.

The life of God (Zoe) must be lived at the expense of any other options. Seeing God first and His righteousness remains the priority, no alternative for consideration ( Matt.6:33).

The soul of every child of God sold out to Christ must be preserved. Nothing in this world must be allowed to corrupt your soul. Your heart must be thoroughly guarded to secure things that matter to Christ.( Prov. 4:23)
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.



The Prevailing Hopelessness

    The world today is full of varying and diverse challenges defiling human solutions.

    It runs across individuals, families, regions, national and sub- nationals as well as globally

    The problem ranges from social to economic; poverty to scarce resources; natural versus man- made disaster cum climate challenges; strange order of diseases and epidemics ravaging the world.

    The problem of the world seems endless, and solutions appear not to catch up.

    The scripture foretells and we need to know- in Psalms 46:2-3 (NKJV) “Therefore we will not fear, Even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; [3] Though its waters roar and be troubled, Though the mountains shake with its swelling”.

    Alas, things may not be better globally due to the uncontrol geometric rate of ungodliness, unrighteousness, and unabated sinful living (Romans 1:18 -32; Psalm 82:5).

    God’s anger manifests in many ways across nations today (Romans 1:28-32; Isaiah 13:11-13; 24:19-20.

    More Prevailing Hope and Divine Exemption in the World of Hopelessness- Psalm 46:4-5;7,9-11.

    Here is the Goodnews!!!; 

    We have hope. The hope is Christ- Col. 1:27

    The hopelessness in the world cannot match God’s provisions and exemption for His children. – Psalm 91:10-12- 

    His unfailing promises give us hope against the hopelessness situation surrounding us.

    Hope according to the scripture involves supernatural expectancy. Hope is the womb for manifestation- Romans 8:19

    Hope comes when you begin to see yourself with what God has promised you, instead of seeing yourself without it.

    Now is time not to give up, even if you are weary-Prov.24:10

    Psalms 46:4-5- “There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of her. She shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn.

    Let’s look at What hope offer us

    • When hope comes, fear shall give way. Psalm 46:2a – therefore we will not fear or be afraid.
    • Hope transforms wilderness experience to abundance water that satisfies- Psalm 46:4a——– “There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God; Isaiah 48:21; 30:25. The river connotes heavenly resources- Gen.2:10
    • Hope brings joy and gladness in place of sorrow and sighing- Psalms 46:4a; Isaiah 55:11
    • Hope symbolises divine presence and manifestation of God- Psalms 46:4b; 16:11
    • Divine hope makes the children of God unshakeable even in this unstable world we found ourselves- Heb.6:19-20.
    • Hope in Christ offers all forms and dimensions of help (timely help; unsolicited; compelling, tireless help- 1 Chron.12:22; Luke 5:18-19; 2 Kings 5:3,13).

    William Bradford and Priscilla J. Owens summarises the hope in this manner:

    Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,
    when the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
    When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain,
    will your anchor drift, or firm remain?

    We have an anchor that keeps the soul
    steadfast and sure while the billows roll;
    fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
    grounded firm and deep in the Saviour’s love!

    Hope in Christ a Sure and Supreme Hope- Hebrews 10:19-21:

    Nothing else, and no one else guarantees hope in this world except Jesus, the great high priest (Heb.4:14-15; 2:17 ;3:1).

    Hope in God is unique and supreme because it is premise on the faithfulness of God that cannot change or diminish.


    1. God who cares for His own Psalm 23; 55:22; Matt.6:25-26

    2. God, that shows concern for us- Psalm 138:8; Matt.10:30

    3. God that is committed to the course of His children – Romans 8:31-32;  Isaiah 41:10; Zech.2:8; Deuteronomy 32:10

    4. God, that is consistent in action – Jeremiah 29:11; Lam.3:22; Psalm 68:19

    Hope in Christ is for you – Heb.10:22-23

    This is how you can obtain hope in Christ day in and day out.

    You can renew your hope so that you have faith and strength to receive everything God has promised you- Heb.11:40

    1. Learn to come to Him alone and come always- Matt.6:11

    2. Come with a sincere heart. A sincere heart receives from Him all times

    3. Come with your faith in full- Heb. 11:6

    4. Come believing and with absolute trust in God