If God is all-powerful, why didn’t He use His power to stop satan or prevent Eve from collecting the fruit in the garden of Eden? (Gen. 3:4-6).


1. In this parable, the father knows that he might force his son to stay but he could never force him to return his father’s love. Love can’t be compelled, it has to be freely given. You can’t force someone to love you!

▪︎If you turn your back on God, reject His love and go your own way, He probably won’t try to stop you (Deut. 30:15, 19-20).

▪︎As much as it grieves Him to do it, He will allow you to leave,  and allow you to suffer the consequences of your decision. He will watch and wait until you finally “come to your senses” and go back to Him of your own free will.

2. While the son was away, the father was patiently waiting for his son to return.

▪︎Because of God’s love for the sinner and the runaway believer, He patiently waits fo his return (2Pt. 3:9).

3. The memory of the father’s goodness brought the prodigal son to repentance (Lk. 15:17).

▪︎All the goodness of God is meant to draw man to Himself.

▪︎During His earthly ministry, whenever Jesus does any miracle, the ultimate purpose is to bring glory to God and draw people to God’s kingdom (Jn. 9:2-3; 11:4).

4. The prodigal son was satisfied to return home as a slave but to his surprise and delight, he is restored back into full privilege of being his father’s son. Look up Ps. 40:2;103:4.

▪︎Not only are we forgiven in Christ but we receive the spirit of adoption to sonship (Rom. 8:15).

▪︎While the son condemned himself, the father did not condemn him. See Rom. 8:36.

5. While the son was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him (Lk. 15:20).

▪︎God’s heart is full of compassion for his children (Matt. 9:36; Lam. 3:22-23).

6. The Honourable And Compassionate Reception

The father expressed his kindness before the son expressed his repentance.

▪︎That is characteristic of God. Check Is. 65:24.

The father expressed all dimensions of God’s mercy:

a. Eyes of Mercy: quick-sighted (Lk.15:20b).

▪︎Shows God’s desire of the conversion of sinners, and His readiness to meet them that are coming to Him. He is aware of the first inclination towards Him.

b. Bowels of Mercy

▪︎God has Compassion for the suffering sinner, though he brought the misery upon himself (Hosea 11:8-9; Judges 10:16).

c. Feet of Mercy (The son came slowly but the father ran to meet him (Lk. 15:20).

▪︎This shows how swift God is to show mercy (Lam. 3:22-23).

d. Arms of Mercy-stretched out to embrace him (fell on his neck). Though guilty and deserving to be beaten, dirty and just coming from swine, the father takes him in his arms and lays him in his bosom.

▪︎True penitent sinners are so dear to God that upon repentance, He embraces them even with their dirtiness.

e. Lips of Mercy (He kissed his son). This kiss not only assured him of his welcome, but sealed his pardon. See 2Sam. 14:33.

▪︎This shows how ready, and free, and forward the Lord Jesus is to receive and entertain poor retuning repenting sinners.

Reflection: Compare the son’s rehearsed speech in Verses 18-19 with his actual presentation in Verses 20-21. Can you see any difference? Why (You may read Verse 22 also). Look up Jer. 31:18-20 (where Ephraim bemoaned hinself).

7. It is strange that there’s not one word of rebuke at all.

▪︎When God forgives the sins of true repentant sinners, He forgets them and remembers them no more. See Ezk.18:22.

8. The young man would have thought it sufficient and been thankful if his fatther had told him to go to the kitchen and get his dinner with the servants.

▪︎God does for those who return to Him and cast themselves upon His mercy, more than they could ever ask or think (Eph. 3:20).

9. The Splendid Provision The Father Made For His Returning Son:

a. The son came home in rags and his father not only clothed him but adorned him with a special (the best) robe, the garment of princes and great men.

▪︎When backsliders repent, they shall be received and dressed in their “first robes.”

▪︎Upon salvation, we receive in Christ the robe of the Redeemer’s reghteousness (Is. 61:10), putting on the Lord Jesus Christ (a new nature).

b. The ring on his hand (An emblem of the family). It speaks of sonship authority.

▪︎We receive the privilege of partaking of the spirit of adoption (Eph. 1:5). Look up Gen. 41:42,44.

▪︎Rich people wear rings (though he wasted his fortune, he will still receive more).

c. Shoes on his feet: A sign of his not beng a servant (servants don’t wear shoes).

▪︎Our sonship is what guarantees us to be partakers of God’s inheritance (Gal. 4:7).

▪︎It also signifies preparation of the gospel of peace (reconciliation). Rom. 10:15.

▪︎When God receives repentant penitent sinners, He makes use of them for the converting of others by their examples.

d. He came home hungry and his father not only fed him but feasted him (Lk. 15:23).  The fatted calf was reserved for special occasions.

▪︎There is excellent food provided by our heavenly Father for all those that arise and come to Him. See Is. 55:1.

▪︎Christ Himself is the bread of life (Jn. 6:35).

e. Not a feast for him only but a festivel for the family. “let us eat and be merry” Lk.15:23b.

▪︎The conversion of sinners is greatly pleasing to the God of heaven, and all that belong to His family ought to rejoice in it (1Thes. 3:9;2:19).

f. The conversion of a soul from sin to God is the raising of that soul from death to life ,and the finding of that which seemed lost (Lk. 15:24). Compare Philem. 11.

g. Instead of condemnation and banishment that the prodigal son deserved, he received no word of rebuke.

▪︎The Lord does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities (Ps. 103:10-14).

▪︎We are free from condemnation and passed from death unto life (Rom .8:1; Jn.5:24). Instead of being condemned, we are restored.

10. Take note of “my father” (Vs. 18, 21); “his father” (Vs. 20); “my son” (Vs. 24).

▪︎When a believer falls into sin, he loses his fellowship with God but the Father-son-relationship is still intact.


We often have this idea of God as inaccessible (not only geographically but emotionally), but God is not emotionless. On the contrary, when we repent, He’s overjoyed and filled with compassion and love. Look up Heb. 4:15-16. Compare Jn. 11:35. He calls the host of heaven over and throw a big party to celebrate our return. Because He loves us with a boundless, limitless love. Nothing we do can diminish it. Look up YBH 588 (Enikan mbe t’ O feran wa).

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