
  • God has shown us a perfect example of kindness by giving His only begotten Son, to die for the sin of mankind- Romans5:8; John 13:35.But God demonstrates His own love toward us, – in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
  •  It is expected that man will in turn extend the same act of kindness to other around them- 1John 3:14; 4:20
  • God has strategically placed you where you are truly needed.
  • There are people yearning for your help and they really need you to notice them.
  • As stewards, are you reaching out to help people? Are you kind to people around you? Do they consider you a someone accommodating or you often segregate yourself beca of your status?
  • Understanding Kindness
  • Kindness means having the spirit of helpfulness and generosity.
  • Show and live love, live a life that exemplifies Christ, and that touches others. Wherever you go and

whatever you do, let it be something that helps, supports, and blesses someone- Colossians 3:14

  • Demonstrating Compassion towards the needy- 1 John 3:17-18 1 John 3:17-18 Matt.15:32; Mark–“But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels ofcompassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.”
  • Learning kindness from the Little boy and the Others – John 6: 5-13

There are many important life lessons to pick from this little boy and other biblical characters that may guide us to live a life of kindness.

  1. Ability to recognise a need from afar- John 6:5a
  2. Ability to accommodate and be accessible to people- John 6:5b; Exodus 18:13; Matt 11:28; Heb.4:16
  3. Showing concerns to provide solutions  regardless of prevailing circumstances- John 5:6-8 2 Kings 5:2-3. Consider the kindness of Philip and Andrew, even in seemingly lack state, they show kindness.
  4. Willingness and readiness to help or assist others- John 6:9; 2Kings 4:42-43
  5. Giving cannot be separated from kindness in their lives
  • Being sensitive and intentional in showing kindness

Jesus Christ, the Supreme Example of Kindness: Luke 4:18–19; Acts 10:38

Jesus demonstrated compassion and kindness in all His earthly ministry: Kindness to the lost souls; kindness to men in captives and bondage; kindness to the hopeless and many more

  • Benefits of being kind

There are many benefits attached to kindness and some of them include:

1. Influence: Kindness is very contagious. When people keep witnessing our act of kindness, they will want to emulate us. This makes kindness radiate throughout the society.

2. God’s blessings: We receive rewards from the Lord personally both on earth and in heaven. When we are kind to others, we are reflecting who Jesus Christ is to them because Jesus is kindness personified.

 3. Great joy (Proverbs 16:24; 14:21):  It brings joy to the giver and peace to the receiver. When we show kindness to others, we make them happy and we are happy too. We develop inner joy and peace when we

are kind.

4. Honour (Proverbs 11:16-17): Honour follows kindness. People respect those who are kindhearted and they place them in great places. When we are kind, we will be respected and honoured by people around us.


  • When we show kindness, we reflect our God who “is gracious and compassionate . . . and rich in love” (Psalm 145:8).
  • Because God has shown great compassion to us, we naturally long to share His compassion with others. And as we do so intentionally, we “clothe” ourselves in it.

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