COUNTING ON GOD’S PROMISES PAYS -Joshua 21:45 & Jeremiah 17:7-8


  • Counting on God’s Promises is a call for all the children of God to learn to absolutely rely on the declared sworn blessing of God
  • When you need God’s comfort and reassurance, His promises is what you can turn unto
  • The word of God is the repository and the bank of solution to everyone in need of way out of every and any matter-1 Peter 5:7;Hebrews 13:5;James 1:5; Psalm 121:1-2;John 14:27: Isaiah 26:3

Understanding God’s promises: The meaning, the nature and Accessing the promises

It is a declaration of God’s will, wherein He signifies what particular good things he will freely bestow, and the evils that he will remove- Psalm 91; Joshua 21:43-45

A divine promise declares God’s goodwill, purpose, and intention toward sinners and believers.- 2 Chron.7:14; John 3:16. It reveals what the Lord our God will do on our behalf; not what He hopes to do or will attempt to perform

The promises of God are the objects of our faith in the one who make the promise. Faith make us believe whatever is promised because of the One who promised it and our faith in Him . We may believe the promises of God because they are the promises of God, not the promises of man. Balaam urges this belief in God’s promises in Numbers 23:19, saying:

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

The promises of God are sure words to be believed because God stands behind them. Whatever is believed without a promise is only presumed (Heb. 11:11; Romans 4:18-21).

God has covenanted Himself to every promise He had made, so believing the said word  shouldn’t a problem.

God’s promises are the spoken words of God- sure, irrevocable and infallible- 2  Peter 1:9; Isaiah 55:10-11; ; Heb.6:13-18

Promise of God is the good that God purposes and intends to do for children now and tomorrow:  He reveals to us ahead of time by way of a promise, to grant us present comfort and to draw forth hope and expectancy. Thus, a promise is both the ground of present comfort and the expectation of future blessings.- Jeremiah 29:11; Heb.13:5; 1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 68:19

God’s promises are objects of our hope and expectations:  Faith believes those things that God has promised are true, and hope expects the performance of what faith believes. We hope for what we believe because our faith is rooted in the sure Word spoken by Him who cannot lie.- 2 Chron.20:20

We hope for what God has promised us because we are unable to look for anything besides what He has already declared He will bestow- 2 Cor.1:20. Nothing else is greater than the promise of God. If we hope for the things the Lord has promised us, our hope is solid. Without God’s promises, we are either hopeless or overly hopeful.

God’s promises is covenant-linked and it commits the integrity of GodPsalm 89:34 “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips”. When a promise is made, one may be doubtful as to whether the fellow making the promise will fulfill it or not; but when the fellow backs up the promise with an oath – swearing- that’s become a binding covenant. God put His Almightiness, Holiness, Righteousness, Most Highness and Sovereignty on the line to fulfilled whatever He has promised- – 2 Chron.7:18; Luke 1: 32-33

The promises of God are the rule and basis of our prayer as children of God. Just as we hope for and believe what God has promised, so we must pray for what God has promised. David makes this evident in 2 Samuel 7:27- 29, when he prays,

Having the promise of God in hand not only emboldened David’s hope and strengthened his faith, but it also fed and informed his prayer. Truly, we do not have a prayer without the promises of God.

God’s Promises get us covered- Jeremiah 17-7-8

Nothing else give assurance that pays and guarantees survival, safety and security besides the promises of God

  1. God’s promises guarantees all round fruitfulness and flourishing – Psalm 1:3; Ezekiel 31:4-6
  2. God’s promises cast out fear away from the mind of God’s children- Isaiah 41:10;
  • God’s promises provide comfort and calmness even in adverse circumstances – Psalm 23:4; Isaiah 43:2; Exodus 13:21-22
  • People living in promise of God doesn’t suffer loss or set back – Prov. 4:18
  • Believers under God’s covenanted promises bother not about the prevailing situation but remain connected with heavenly resources – Psalm 91:5-7; Phil. 4:7



The church is a spiritual organisation an every service is an opportunity to worship and fellowship with God. All activities during a worship service centres on and revolves around God.

The nature and character of God define and display excellence. Every Service Leader is therefore expected to build and imbibe excellence as a ministry culture. Every role, task or service is best delivered through a connection that God deserves the best.


Culture is simply defined as a way of life of a particular people or society. It includes the ideas, values, customs and social behaviour of the people.

In the church setting, culture involves attitude, values, beliefs, policies, mode of perception, language and habits of thoughts and activities of a particular church.


By the reason of this retreat, we shall define a Service Leader as anyone who partakes in leading worshippers in one capacity or the other, or performs one activity or the other in connection with worship services. Not only those who climb the altar or mount the pulpit. They are ministers and must see themselves so. They function in one ministry or the other during worship services.


To be intentional is to do something with intention or on purpose (intended). It involves making deliberate, voluntary and willing choices with full consciousness of the nature of one’s act and its consequences.

An intentional Service Leader is one who performs his tasks on purpose. Not accidentally or incidentally but deliberately.

The word BUILDING, as used here is from the action word BUILD, which means to make, develop, raise, form, create, cultivate, establish, find and maintain, focus with intention, in constant pursuit of betterment and improvement.


Excellence is defined as the quality of being outstanding or extremely good. The very best. It is striving to do more than the ordinary and regular.

Excellence is more than “packaging.” It is actually doing the RIGHT THING in an EXTRAORDINARY way. First is “doing the right thing” then delivering it in an “extraordinary way.” The key word is EXTRA, added to the ORDINARY. That is, doing ordinary things in extraordinary ways.

In Ecclesiastes 9, Solomon infers that, while having consciousness of death, it is our wisdom to make the best use of life that we can while it does last. It implies that we make the best use of every available opportunity by striving for the best.


According to Aristotle, “excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intentions, sinere effort and intelligent execution. It represents the wise choice among many alternatives. Choice, not chance determines excellence.” Excellence occurs when opportunity meets with preparedness. That “preparedness” is the culture of excellence. You don’t become a thief because you stole. You stole because you are a thief.

Excellence has to do with mindset. If all Service Leaders can cultivate this mentality and form the mindset of it, it will run on every of their operational delivery.


1.            Desire it

▪︎A desire to go above and beyond the ordinary. Don’t settle for less or average.

▪︎A desire to have order in all activities, even beyond church operations.

This can be powered through praying for the spirit of excellence.

2.            Get informed

▪︎Excellence is driven by the level of information available to you. What you hear, see and experience will provide the foundation to pursue excellence.

▪︎Get informed through books, videos, locations, interactions, meetings, seminars and mentorship.

3.            Get exposed to excellence (locations and people connected to excellence).

▪︎With proper planning, well documented and organised processes, training and seminars, accountability and orderliness.

▪︎Don’t be too big to learn from someone who knows more or is better than you. Be humble.

4.            Benchmark with the best

▪︎Consider a mentor or a leader who is excellent in his service delivery.

▪︎Set him as a standard for your personal operations.

▪︎Measure your performance against the standard.

▪︎Adjust where necessary.

These aid a consistent development until excellence becomes a culture.

5.            Intentionally Improve Your Time Management

▪︎To avoid persistent lateness. Promptness is a sign of culture of excellence.

▪︎Avoid rushing to church five minutes to the commencement of service. It makes you unsettled and disorganised.

6.            Document your assigned role in the service and how you intend to carry it out.

▪︎Document instructions given to you.

7.Be intentional through adequate preparation.

▪︎Never perform a role without adequate preparation, unless it is an emergency. Even at that, ask the Holy Spirit to help you out.

8.            Avoid reactive tendencies.

▪︎Learn to be proactive by thinking ahead for possible hitches.

9.            Pay attention to little details

▪︎When you ignore the details and deliver your tasks with no consciousness of ensuring all things are done well, it leaves tiny deviations with heavy repercussions.

▪︎As tiny as changing the battery in the microphone.

▪︎As tiny as checking the offering box to ascertain its legs are intact.

▪︎As tiny as checking to make sure the keyboard is not transposed, to avoid playing on the wrong key.

▪︎As tiny as reading the bible passage over and over again before mounting the pulpit to read to the congregation.

▪︎Always do a double check to make sure all things are in order.

Paying attention to tiny details can boost your (as well as the church) culture of excellence.

10.          If your task in the service involves you holding and using the microphone, learn basic Microphone Techniques and Management.

▪︎Know whether the microphone is “omnidirectional” (captures sound equally from all directions) or “unidirectional” (picks up sound from the top, with less than 50% from the sides and about 10% from the back).

▪︎Know how to power the microphone on and off.

▪︎Know how to position the microphone for maximum output.

▪︎Know how to position the microphone to avoid unpleasant feedback interferences (noise).

11.          For those in the Media and Technical, check and test run all the equipment at least 45 minutes before service starts.

12.          Always focus on delivering your task better than the last time.

▪︎Never try to show off or else you will be off the show


Excellence is not an incidental or momentary thing but a culture that is learned and built over time. It is powered by orderliness and commitment. Our God deserves the best and the best we should offer Him in our services. To joke with excellence is to swim in mediocrity. May that not be our portion in Jesus’ name.


Counting on the Lord’s promises is one sure way to guarantee survival at every phase of life. Nothing is more assuring like what God has promised.

To count on Him implies relying on everything He has spoken concerning you and me. And receiving them as the surest way to get going in life.

In 2 Corinthians 1:20, God’s word says ‘’For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.’’(KJV) For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so, through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. (NIV). Therefore, the assurance of God’s promises is made perfect in Christ.

How then do we count on God’s blessing?

  1. God demand absolute trust from all His children for them to enjoy the divine promise. Without trusting God, nothing can be received. Trusting in the promises of God starts with trusting God for who He says He is. Psalm 145:13 says: “The Lord is trustworthy in all his promises and faithful in all he does.” As we begin to trust Him in His character and attributes, we see His incredible power translating into His actions.
  2. Leaning on the wisdom of God above earthly wisdom and knowledge will go a long way to access God’s promises and enjoy the covenant-backed promises. Gen.26:3-4;12-13. God’s wisdom is divine and surpasses all other wisdom- James 3:17-18; 1:17.
  3. Living according to the will of God commit the integrity of God to do what He says He will do. No short cut can bring God to fulfill His specific blessing to His children but only who walk uprightly in consonance with His law and will. – Deut. 28:1-2; II Chron. 7:14-14


  1. Thank you, Jesus, for your promises are real and great and I will enjoy them in full this month onward in the name of Jesus.
  • Joshua 21:45- none of your promises shall fail in my life but they will all be accomplished timely and readily in the name of Jesus.
  • Job.10:12- This new month, the Lord will preserve me all through the days and He will show me His kindness, goodness and favour in all my plans and endeavours in the name of Jesus.
  • Psalm 55:22- Father in Jesus’name, You will help me carry all my burden this month, your divine grace will carry me through, and I will not suffer in any form. For your mighty hand shall sustain me in the name of Jesus
  • Psalm 68;19 & Matt. 6:11 – All through the day, the week and the entire month, I receive full delivery of my divine benefits. My divine allocation will not elude me this month in the name of Jesus
  • Isaiah 55:12- My going out all through this month shall be characterised with divine joy; peace of God shall lead all through the days of this month. Every encounter in the month shall bring forth unending laughter, joy and celebration in Jesus’ name
  • Eph.3:20- This new month and all the days in it, the Lord will surprise me beyond my imagination and comprehension, and I will experience His abundant provision all round in the name of Jesus
  • Matt 6:9-10; Luke 10:19- Father, only your will is permitted in my life all through this month of may. Let your will be done for me and continually reign in my life in Jesus’name. no power of devil shall reign in my life in Jesus’ name
  • Acts 2:41, 47- In our camp this month, the Lord will increase us daily, we shall not diminish and we shall enjoy favour of God together
  1. Psalm 90:14- Dear Lord, satisfy me early this month with all your unfailing promises and I will be glad all through the month



Having understood the meaning and details of Christ’s redemption for believers, the importance, and the gains of redemption both into our inner man and external dealings in the world will find ourselves. Our focus today shall shift to explore and understand the completeness of Jesus’ work on the cross of Calvary.


The 3 big works that Jesus did on the cross can be summarised as propitiation, redemption, and reconciliation (Romans 3:25-26; 1 John 4:10; Eph. 1:7, 14 & Romans 3:24; 2 Cor, 5:18 & Romans 5:10). All three are essentially interconnected and required to give us our new status in Christ as the new creation and blessed man (Eph.1:3)


  • Propitiation deals with the wrath of God. It means  “to satisfy wrath by sacrifice.”   Romans 3:25, Hebrews 2:17, 1 John 2:2
  • Jesus Christ is the propitiation for our sins.  He took humanity’s sin upon Himself and suffered the righteous judgment of God.  Jesus died to take away man’s sin and He satisfied or propitiated God’s anger against sin. – Romans 1:18, 6:23
  • The propelling factor for Jesus’ sacrifice is purely His love- John 3:16; Romans 5:8; ,            1 Jn. 4:10. 


  • In the context of the work of salvation, redemption implies to the work of Christ in setting us free from the bondage of sin’s slavery and all its awful consequences.
  • Christ’s Redemption for us deals with our enslavement by sin.  Galatians 3:13; 4:5, Ephesians 1:7.
  • All children of God must always remember and appreciate that the cost of our redemption was high.  The ransom price was the precious blood of Christ. – 1 Pet.1:18-19


  • The basic meaning of the word “reconcile” is “to change completely.” 
  • In reference to salvation, reconciliation is the act by which God brings mankind into a completely changed relationship with Himself – from hostility and alienation to harmony and fellowship. – Romans 5:10, Col. 1:20-22. 
  • What man cannot do himself, Christ’s blood did to meet the demand of God- 2 Corinthians 5:18-19


  • Jesus did not only finish the work of redemption but completed all the task required- John 17:4; 19:28.
  • It is finished was a declaration on the part of the divine Redeemer that all for which He came from heaven to earth to do, was now done.
  • Jesus was saying that all that was needed to reveal the full character of God had now been accomplished; that all that was required by law before sinners could be saved had now been performed: that the full price of our redemption was now paid.
  • Also completed was the fulfilment of all Old Testament prophecies, symbols, and foreshadowings of the coming Messiah. – Gen.3:15; Isiah 53- 
  • The finished works of Christ impact every area that touches our lives, in the natural as well as the spiritual. This declaration means that our healing, deliverance, prosperity, victory, joy, peace, and everything else we need in life is already finished and ready for us to claim- Rev.5:12
  • The completed work on the cross ensures every child of God have everything we need to succeed in life.  (2 Peter 1:3, 4).
  • Forgiveness given, condemnation cancelled, and guilt removed- Luke 23:34; Romans 8:1-2
  • Authority over devil and its agent so as to live in dominion and victory forever. – Col.1:12-14; Psalm 107:2; Luke 10:18-19

Conclusion: The work of Christ upon the cross and His resurrection spur every believer to give thanks and rejoice in the perfect doing of the Lord- 1 Cor.15;57.


We continue with the series of gains of our redemption, having looked at the inward blessing. We moved further today to examine redemption package Christ obtained for us to live a fulfilled life.


Saying with a loud voice…. Rev.5:12a

  1. Rev. 5:10- numerous angels were involved in the shouts- (Daniel 7:10). So, the whole of heaven could hear their voices
  2. It signifies their zeal, fervour, and affection for Christ, and
  3. it is to make a free, open, and public acknowledgment of Jesus, the lamb (our redeemer)  
  4. so that everyone and all nations might hear of his worthiness, and of the praise and glory that were due unto him:


worthy is the Lamb that was slain…..;

  •  And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation– Rev.5:9
  • they address him as the Lamb, and not as the Lord of lords, and their Lord; and speak of him as having been slain and celebrate the virtue and efficacy of his sufferings and death, and ascribe his worthiness to receive glory and honour thereunto.
  • The first mention of the Lamb in the Scriptures is in Genesis 22nd, when Isaac asked the question “Where is the lamb?”; and the last time is in the closing chapter of the Bible, in the Book of Revelation.
  • In the first the altar is in view of the sacrifice, but in the last the Lamb is upon the throne. The first has in view the offering up of Christ, but in the last we find the throne of God has become the throne of God and of the Lamb.
  • Recall the Passover lamb (Exodus 12) vs the lamb of God- John 1:29; 34-35; 1 Pet 1:19. We are redeemed by the precious blood of Christ as of a Lamb, not only “without blemish” inwardly, but also “without spot” outwardly.
  • Not only redeemed from the hand of the physical enemy like the Israel was from the power of Pharaoh in Egypt… but thank God (1 Cor.15:57), we are “redeemed to God,”


Everyone who come will receive what He has- John 1:16- Out of his fullness we have all received grace in a place of grace already given.” In other words, grace upon grace. This passage tells us that Jesus’ fullness is the never-ending source of grace

to receive power and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing

  • When he is said to be worthy to receive these, it is not to be understood of his receiving the things themselves, but of the praise of them.
  • Our redeemer is all sufficient God; our all-in-all, who is not in need of anything but received for all that is needed for life ( Psalm 50:12; 2 Pet.1:3)

i.          Power belongs to him and so He has given all the redeemed… he is the mighty God; and as the Saviour and Redeemer of his people; and as risen from the dead, and as exalted at God’s right hand, and made or declared Lord and Christ; having all power in heaven and in earth:- Matt.28:18.

Therefore, he gave us power for accomplishment in life- (Phil.4:13) and perfection (2 Cor.12:9), both in our inner man (Eph.3:16) and outward sustainability (Col.1:11)

ii.         “Riches belong to Him and freely He has given us……” Riches is well be ascribed to our redeemer, who has all the perfections of deity in him; whose are the heavens and the earth, and the fulness thereof; and who, as Mediator, is heir of all things (Heb.1:2), and has both the riches of grace and glory in his hands ( Eph.1:7, 18; Col.2:3)

He has therefore made us rich and prosperous (2 Corinthians 8:9; Job 36:11) and meet all our need (Phil.4:19; Psalm 23:1) and to abound in every good work (2 Cor.9:8)

iii.        “Wisdom” also is His and ours…….; he is wisdom itself, he is the only wise God; and he is the author of all wisdom, natural and spiritual; and, as Mediator, he has the spirit of wisdom and knowledge resting on him, and the treasures of both hid in him: (1 Cor.1:24; Col.2:3).

The wisdom of God has been transferred to us at redemption, therefore we are wise (Prov. 3:13-16; 1 Cor.1:24, 30; Col.2:3) for He has lavished on us (James 1:5; 17;). Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all Wisdom and Prudence- Eph.1:8

iv.        “Strength is also ascribed to Him so we are strengthened through Him…strength is well attributed to Christ our redeemer, which he has shown in making and supporting all things; in saving and redeeming his people with a mighty hand and outstretched arm; and in subduing and vanquishing all his and our enemies.

At redemption, He then gave strength to all the redeemed to discharge their duties, resist temptations, oppose corruptions, and do their generation work: (Phil.2:13; 1 Tim.1:12; 2 Tim.4:17; 1 Cor.10:13; Gal.5:16-17). “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:4.

His oath, His covenant, His blood,

Support me in the whelming flood;

When all around my soul gives way,

He then is all my hope and stay

v.         “Honour” is due to him, and He has given us honour…… as the Son of God, he being to be honoured equally as the Father; and who, as man and Mediator, is crowned with glory and honour: Glory and honour are also part of the attributes of Jesus Christ, as He and the Father are one (John 10:30; 17:11,22).

The honour God gave man began from creation- “For You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You have crowned him with glory and honor” (Psalm 8:5), this honour was restored at redemption-( Heb.2:8-10)- Verses 9-10 say, “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone. For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings”.

vi.        “Glory is also unto Him….” is what ought to be ascribed unto him, even the glory of true and proper deity, and also the glory of salvation; and who, as Mediator, had a glory promised him, and which was due unto him upon having finished his work, and which he now enjoys on God’s right hand:

Redemption afford us glory in Christ and take us to realm we wouldn’t have being

vii.       “Blessing” is to be given to him who has blessed us with all manners of blessing- Ephesians 1;3; 2 Pet.1:3-4…., Blessed is our redeemer, who is God over all, blessed for evermore, in himself and the perfections of his nature; in whom all spiritual blessings are, and in whom all the nations of the earth are blessed; (Rev. 5:10-11).


Biblical Parables from our previous lesson have a basis for which they are told, are applicable for business in the kingdom of God and have a great deal of influence over our lives as children of God. Parables have been called earthly illustrations which have heavenly or divine meanings but they are allegories, fables myths or proverb.

Allegories for instance can be seen as a figurative application or illustrations taken from real life historical fact or events e.g. Gal 4 22-5:4. An allegory often times than not  have all characters representing an idea, concept, form or being.  Parables speak of events that can be said to never really happen but which we expect that anyone can do in the normal course of events.

Fables and Myths on the other hand are stories that are fantasies or a larger-than-life sayings e. g. Judges 9:8-15; and proverbs are short statements that contain a complete and valuable thought. It also can be short wise sayings that contain practical truths learned by experience or through observation.

In some cases proverbs, allegories and parables have been blended in usage. E.g. Matt 24:32, the parable of the fig tree (Proverb), John 15:1-17 (Parable and allegory).

NB: 1. Parables as used by Jesus are used in such a way that it has spiritual truth(s) that it is meant to convene. Luke 16:1-8. Did Jesus commend this sort of behavior?  No. However, the main point is that believers need to be far-sighted in preparing for crisis, and twists in life.

2. Not all objects of that appear in the illustration have any spiritual significance except for the truth which it is meant to convene. As in the above, it is safe to say that the other embellished characters are merely placed to give a realistic view of a painted scenario.

3. Conscious efforts are to be made in pointing out which of these illustrations are allegorical or parable so as not to fall into unnecessary errors of interpretation and understanding thereby missing the point. The Good Samaritan as an example points out who a good neighbor really is and has eternal representation for the donkey, wine, inn. Lk 10:29-37

4. Parables usually do not require allegorical interpretations, but some might. Matt 21:33-45, Mk 12:1-12.

 Jesus’ teachings were characterized by memorable stories and sayings that were interesting and powerful enough to hold the attention of both his then audience and the readers/listeners of today. The understanding of biblical parables open us up to a better idea and understanding of the KINGDOM. The Kingdom as it relates to the king, the kingdom, the children of the kingdom, the lifestyle of the kingdom and oppositions daily faced as a result. Parables contain the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven as well as things kept hidden from the foundation of the world. (Matt13:11, 35). Mysteries which the light of the Gospel of Christ has now revealed Rom 16:25-27.

Matt 5:13 – You are the SALT

The salt is a crystalline compound, abundant in nature and used especially to season and preserve. Salts also give flavour, sustain life, and can be used for cure, treatment and enrichment. It has a very strong penetrative ability.

The understanding, truth and instructions this statement leaves us with include

  1. The “you” described in this passage points to a specific audience/life (those in God’s kingdom)
  2. This life pointed to have a distinct life that sets them apart. Vs 1-12
  3. This life makes the word of God tasty to the world and not he world tasty to God
  4. You are to hinder the corruption and further of the world
  5. Preventing corruption in the world keeps the world from destruction Gen 18:26
  6. God’s anger is kept at bay when the salt is active Gen 19:22
  7. Your strength is not in your appearance but tat which is on your inside
  8. Your have a far-reaching influence than you can imagine.

CAUTION: but if the salt loses its saltiness  

  1. A life that refuses to be distinct from the conduct of the world is in danger of losing its saltiness
  2. A life that not adding the kingdom value of salt to his world is useless
  3. A life that fails to be active tool in the kingdom deserves to be rejected and destroyed, Lk 14:34-35


  1. Though crystalline, yet distinct. Live a life that portrays the kingdom everywhere. Jh 15:19
  2. Christ came to preserve and give life. Bring life and preservation to your sphere. Jh 1:4,6:37,
  3. Avoid that which can render you unfit 1 pet 2:11
  4. Be available for use in God’s vineyard. Jn 13:14-17
  5. Take a stand against rottenness and corruption. Josh 1:9
  6. Refuse to conform


Having gain some light regarding what redemption entails in our last lesson, today, we shall be examining together if there are gains that the redemption through the blood of Jesus won for us as children of God. When he redeemed and ransomed you from sin and death from the hand of Satan, what really changed? What happened to your life, your position or status in Christ? How different are you now from your former ways of life? What degree of relationship do you have with God and at what level can you now operate in this world? Let’s learn together from the unfailing word of God- the Bible.

What is a Gain?

Gain is a return from investment of a particular transaction.  It can also be described as an increase in value or worth of a subject. At redemption, Jesus transacts on our behalf, he paid the debt we could not and unworthy to pay so that we receive forgiveness and divine clearance form wages of sin. He therefore gave us a new stand in Christ so we can enjoy the packages of redemption. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; – Ephesians 1:7

Romans 3:24- and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

The gains we have in redemptions through Christ is a mystery, reveal through the Holy Spirit to only who receive understanding of what Jesus did.- Eph.1:9; Romans 16:25-26

*The Uniqueness of the Gain of Redemption*

God is to be blessed or praised because of his great grace that provides believers numerous blessings (2 Cor. 1:3; 11:31; 1 Pet. 1:3).

Eph.1:3 . gives the basis or grounds  for the gains we have in Christ.

1. God has blessed us “in Christ.” That is, these blessings are reserved specifically for those who believe in Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension and are united with him through faith. (Eph. 1:3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

2. God has blessed us “with every spiritual blessing.” Here Paul limits the type of blessing specifically to spiritual blessings (i.e., blessings pertaining to life in the Spirit).

3. God has blessed us “in the heavenly places” (“in the heavenlies”), Ephesians (1:3, 20; 2:6; 3:10; 6:12). Because our blessings are “in Christ,” they are also in the heavenly places, where Christ is now ruling.‘He made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, ‘Ephesians 1:9

The Gains of Redemption – First to the Inner Man

New Creation Man: By virtue of Christ’s redemptive work, when you are born again, you have become a new creature – brand new being! You are not an amendment of the old man- 2 Cor.5:17; John 1:12-13; Romans 6:2-4; Galatians 6:14-15.

The “inner man” refers to the spiritual aspect of a person. It represents the unseen, innermost part of our being. The first place the work of redemption touches and influence the others part of our being.- 1 Cor.15:45-46

God made us a tripartite being and all God’s project of redemption affect the 3 components of man; Body, Spirit, and Soul- (Gen.2:7; 1Thess. 5:23.)

At conversion, when you buy into the redemption work of Christ, you become transformed in your Spirit and your soul regenerates. These 2 of the 3 parts of human is of interest here. This transformation in the new life of the redeemed (spirit, soul and body) brings about some spiritual blessings that are gains for the inward man. ‘Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: ‘Ephesians 1:3

You have your root in Christ- Isaiah 11:1,10; Revelation 22:16-

That’s where we all took off from. Your understanding begins with a discovery of your root in Christ. The root speaks of my origin, my assured connection and determinant of what we spring out.

The work of redemption (New birth) connects you to a supernatural source, a divine root, and whatever God is worth becomes your new worth. He said in John 15:5 that He is the vine and we are the branches. He is the root, and we just grow out of the root to become branches.

CONFESSION: I have a divine connection; I am connected to a divine source – He is the vine, I am one of the branches. My root is in Him, praise God!

Whatever obtains in the root is the heritage of the branches. Everything the branches enjoy come from the root. Everything that makes for the health, life and vitality of the branches, comes from the root.

You are seated with Him in heavenly places- Ephesians 2:6- “and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus”, Eph. 2:6. This is another uncommon privileged we have in Christ as children of God through the work of redemption. Embracing the life of redemption in Christ give you the same seat where Jesus sits. A place of honour and dignity. Far beyond the reach of power and principality- (Eph. 1:2021). Let’s see where Christ is placed by God, that’s where you are as a child of God. – Ephesians 1:20-21

You are hidden in Christ Colossians 3:3For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Col. 3:3 Another revelation about our position in Christ is that we are hidden right inside Christ. He didn’t hide us elsewhere but in Himself.  You are dwell secured in the rock of ages-Psalms 91:1-2. New birth in Christ confers on you this divine protection and preservation beyond the reach of the wicked of this world. Hallelujah

You are united with Christ -Eph. 2:13, 17-21: But now you have been united with Christ Jesus. Once you were far away from God, but now you have been brought near to him through the blood of Christ-Ephesians 2:13 NLT. ; Romans 6:5

A Transformed Life brings us in union with Christ, where we cannot be detachable from Him.

It gives us inseparable relationship with Jesus through the redemption blood.

Our fellowship is guaranteed, and devil cannot snatch you away from Him-“John 17:12.


When you are united with your root, until they can destroy that root, you remain indestructible! That is the mystery of your status in Christ through redemption.

As a result of our union with Christ, we get credit for what Jesus did! We also have everything we need for life and godliness, because we’ve been made partakers of Jesus’ divine nature (2 Peter 1:3-4). Jesus’ vitality becomes ours.


In this series of learning from the parables in the scripture as taught by Jesus, the great teacher (John 3:2; Matt.22:16; Mark 12:14), our overall aim is to understand the basis for these parables, its application in the kingdom business and how each parable influences our lives as children of God.


They are short allegorical stories designed to teach a truth, religious principle, or moral lesson. They are often engaging stories that contain few details but are ripe with meaning.

A parable is a teaching tool, and one that Jesus used often. His parables were short, ranging from simple/single verse (Matt. 13:33- parable of the leaven; Matt.13;44- hidden treasure) to a couple of multiple verses (Luke 15:11-32- prodigal son; Matt.13:1-23- the sower).   Mention other parables taught by Jesus………

Parable goes beyond the interesting storytelling, but it also had a deeper meaning, illustrating a spiritual truth. Jesus’s parables used elements of everyday life to illustrate a more profound message.

Topical theme of parables of Jesus centres on life lessons such as love, prayer, forgiveness, God’s kingdom, stewardship, accountability, redemption, and end times. These are essential for successful living in this world and in world to come

With parables, Jesus told stories that revealed the truth about God’s kingdom while simultaneously challenging the commonly held world views of many of those to whom He spoke. Just as Jesus addressed crowds years ago, he speaks to all of us today, challenging us to open our hearts to his message.


REFELECTION/DISCUSSION: What is your opinion on why Jesus obscures the meaning of the parables from non-disciples?

Jesus had two reasons for teaching in parables. (1). The first was to enable his followers to grasp the secrets of the kingdom of heaven more easily, clearly, and abundantly. It was a teaching tool for them and all children of God till today (1 Cor.1:18; Mark 4:10-12). And the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer continues to give understanding of these parables today to teach us the secrets of the kingdom. (Matt.13:16)

(2). His second reason was just the opposite. It hid the secrets of the kingdom from those who had not committed themselves to his lordship. They cannot gain the understanding of what the master teaches. They are regarded as strangers, outsiders and outcast as far the kingdom business is concern (Eph.2:12-13). The Parables allow those who have faith, along with the instruction of the Holy Spirit, to learn about the kingdom. And they prevent others from doing the same. Those without faith and the Spirit are unable to understand the truths of Jesus’ parables. (Psalm 119:18,105; John 6:63; 1 Cor.2:6-15).


Learning the parable is good but the optimal aim of Jesus is for disciples/believers to respond appropriately to the deep messages and mysteries of the parable. Therefore, we must respond in the following manner:

  1. Read and study it over and over again- Rev.1:3; Romans 10:17; Joshua 1:8
  2. Let your heart be committed to the word of God- Psalm 119:10-11; 2 Pet.1;19-21
  3. Ask God for deep understanding – through revelation God’s truth is made known to His children- Mark 4:10(14-20); Matt.13:10
  4. Search for specific instruction(s) God has for you from specific parable.- Prov.1:5-7
  5. Living by the truth learnt from the parable- individually and as congregation. – Matt.4:4; Romans 15:4
  6. Teach the truth learnt to others.- Matt.5:19


As children of God, we are born into new life to live a victorious life in Christ. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith – 1 John 5:4.  The new life in Christ is a life of overcomer. Even when challenges come, we know victory is certain.


Why then do some Christians still live as defeated being in this world (ordinary men), instead of living victoriously every day?

The reason is their ignorance of the Word:

“They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness….I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High” (Psalm 82:5-6).

May God through Christ grant us revelation today in Jesus’name. (Amen).

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 15:57 – 1 Cor.15:57. Jesus said, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).

The truth is, now that you’re redeemed (born again, now that you’re in Christ,) you’re a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). Whereas you were defeated and lived as a victim before you came to Christ, all that is history now. Today, with Christ alive in you, nothing can put you down; you’re a victor for life! And no more defeat for you except you are no more in Christ or allow devil to cheat you.


What gave us new life in Christ? SALVATION- 2 Cor.5:17; Ephesians 2:12-13


How did we get saved? – THROUGH THE REDEMPTION – Ephesian 1:7-8

God’s Word says that we are saved by grace through faith alone in Christ Jesus and not in anyway by our own efforts or works (Ephesians 2:8-9).

The death and resurrection of Jesus gives us redemption. The resurrection is not full or complete without redemption. The redemption is central to message of resurrection. The redemption gives us freedom in Christ- (Galatians 5:1). “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage” (Gal. 5:1).


  • Redemption can be defined as the process or means to secure the release or recovery of persons (the captives) or things by the payment of a price.
  • Redemption refers ultimately to the saving work of Christ, who came to accomplish our redemption by giving his life in substitution for our own as the ransom price.

The price of our redemption is the blood, the life, and the death of Christ.    ‘’ Jesus paid a debt he did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay.”

I hear the Savior say,

“Thy strength indeed is small,

Child of weakness, watch and pray,

Find in Me thine all in all.”



Jesus paid it all,

All to Him I owe;

Sin had left a crimson stain,

He washed it white as snow.

Mo gbọ Jesu wipe

Agbara rẹ kere

Alarẹ ṣọra gbadua

Pipe rẹ mbẹ lọdọ mi


Jesu san gbogbo

Gbese ti mo jẹ

Ẹṣẹ ti

m’abawọn wa

O fọ mi fun

bi sno

The Work of Jesus

When Jesus declared His mission to the world in Luke 4:18 He said ‘’The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,’’

He also stated clearly why He came for the humanity in 1 John 3:8- He that committeth sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

Therefore, Redemption implies the work of Christ on our behalf, whereby he purchases and ransoms us—at the price of his own life—

(1) the work He came to accomplish was the one of ransom,

(2) the giving of His life was the ransom price, and

(3) the ransom was substitutionary in character

  • “Jesus Christ stated clearly, He came to serve the world. He laid down his life for a ransom.- Matthew 20:28

When our lives were forfeited into the eternal damnation by hands of divine justice due to sin. Christ, by parting with his life, made atonement for sin, and so rescued ours; he was made sin, and a curse for us, and died, not only for our good, but in our stead.”- “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us” (Gal 3:13)

  • He redeemed us through the shedding of blood; the blood of Christ is the sacrificial blood- Rom 3:25; 5:9Eph 1:7Rev 1:5; “conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile, knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot” (1Pet 1:17–19)- 
  • Through the redemption, The church of God, was obtained purchased and acquired with his own blood.”- 1 Cor.6:19-20; Acts 20:28. “You are not your own, for you were bought with a price” (1Cor. 6:19–20).
  • “All (entire humanities) have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith” (Rom 3:22–25).
  • Justification is being counted as righteous or declared righteous by God (The Judge). Justification is given to us freely, without price to us, it is only made possible through an exorbitant purchase “through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.” Free to us. Costly to God.
  • Only based on redemption have we all receive forgiveness that is freely lavished on us according to the riches of God’s grace- Ephesians 1:7–8; Col 1:14.

“when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons” (Gal. 4:4–5).

  • Through redemption, Jesus is revealed as a better high priest, and better mediator of a better covenant. He is better because he entered through his own blood (Heb. 9:12)—on the merits of his own righteousness, unlike all other priests before Him who had to offer sacrifices for themselves and the people. Jesus is both perfect priest and perfect sacrifice in one.
  • Furthermore, the unique and supreme blood of Christ was more effective than Old Testament sacrifices (Heb. 9:13–14)—cleansing consciences, forgiving sins, and obtaining eternal redemption which blood of goats, calves etc. cannot do. “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all” (1Tim 2:5–6)
  • Through the redemption, Jesus Christ won victory for all nations of the world who believe in Him-Rev. 5:9-13. “Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth” (Rev 5:9–10).

Therefore, we are to rejoice and celebrate what Jesus has won for us………

To be continue…



GOOD FRIDAY and EASTER SUNDAY are the days of all days in human history. However, we must remember that we cannot have one without the other. Without resurrection, redemption is not needed and, without redemption, there’s no resurrection.

On Good Friday, we appreciated, celebrated, and gave thanks to Jesus Christ for His redemptive work on the cross of Calvary.

▪It emphasizes the work of divine exchange and substitution which Christ did, choosing to suffer and die in our place, in order to save us from sin and the penalty for sin (death).

Redemption refers to saving someone by paying a price or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment.

▪This is what Christ did, laying down His life as the price for the redemption of the whole world, not just the believers.

But what we are celebrating today is not just the work of our redemption but something beyond redemption.

▪If all what we needed was salvation from sin, there wouldn’t have been any need for Jesus to rise from the dead.

▪His death on the cross would have been enough because it paid for all our sins and serves as a complete propitiation (sacrificial object) to appease a God who was angry with man.

The big thing however, is what happened after redemption.

The plan of satan was to kill Jesus Christ and put a stop to having a new life. He never thought nor expected that Jesus would resurrect. But Jesus Christ resurrected to begin a new life, a glorious and eternal one for that matter.


1.            It means Christ did not rise (Vs 12-13).

2.            Preaching the gospel would be useless (Vs 14).

▪It is no longer good news but bad news. No longer Good Friday but Black Friday.

3.            Faith in Christ and His finished work would be worthless and meaningless (Vs 14)

▪Faith in a corpse buried in a tomb will redeem, sanctify or justify no one.

4.            Every witness to the resurrection and all preachers of resurrection would be liars (Vs 15).

▪The Apostles and every gospel preacher would be peddling a myth (a false belief or idea).

▪Even Jesus Christ Himself would become a liar too because He said He is the resurrection and the life (Jn. 11:25).

5.            Christianity would become a fairly tale, a fabricated imaginary story for children (Vs 16).

▪There would be no life after death since Christ did not rise. Christianity is based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

6.            All humanity would remain captive to sin (Vs 17).

▪The whole world would still remain enslaved to death (Rom. 6:23).

7.            Everyone who died would be in hell (Vs 18).

▪Every human being would face the full, wrath of God, dead and unable to rise to life.

8.            Christians would be the most foolish people on earth (Vs 19).

But praise be to God, Christ is risen from the dead and since He has come out of the grave, death is swallowed up in victory (1Cor. 15:54).

▪We can therefore boldly sing…

The strife is o’er the battle done…


1.            It shows the immense power of the Almighty God over life and death (1Cor. 15:54-55).

▪Only He who created life can restore it after death. Even if there’s no life before, He can still create it.

▪Only He can remove the sting of death (sin) and the grave( power of death).

2.            It is the assurance of the resurrection of Christ’s faithfuls, which is the basic tenet of Christianity (Jn. 11:25-26).

▪Take note of the contrast in verse 20 of 1Cor. 15:20.

3.            It demonstrates that God accepted Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf (Heb. 7:27).

4.            It is victory over death, which comforts us that we would see our loved ones who have died again (1Thes. 4:13-14).

5.            It is an assurance of our regeneration in Christ when we become born again (2Cor. 5:17).

▪It gives us a new life that overcomes the activities of the flesh and activates in us the fruit of the spirit (Gal. 5:22-23).

6.            It makes every believer and disciple of Christ a miracle carrier and a doer/worker of miracles (Mk. 16:17-18; Matt. 10:1).

▪It’s not a supernatural thing for a believer to cast out demons or perform miracles (Lk. 10:19-20).

7.            It is a testimony and hope that every good thing dead in the life of a believer in Christ would come back to life at the mention of the name of Jesus Christ (Phil. 2:9-10).


Resurrection is the climax of Christ’s work of salvation.

A Christian is one who identifies with not only the death of Christ but with His resurrection as well, and subsequent confession of His Lordship (Rom. 10:9).

Let us therefore rejoice and continue to rejoice that Christ the Lord is risen and we have a new life, Hallelujah!


1.            As the stone was rolled away from the tomb of Jesus Christ, every weight preventing me from rising, I command you to be rolled away now in Jesus’ name.

2.            Let the resurrection power of Christ come into operation in me and bring back to life everything that has been put to death by the enemy in my life in Jesus’ name.

3.            As Jesus came out of the grave, anything that belongs to me or any area of my life that has been buried in the grave, I command you to come out today in Jesus’ name.

4.            Every part of my body that has been put to death and is not functioning as God purposed it, receive life today and begin to function well in Jesus’ name.

5.            By the reason of a new life that emanated from the resurrection of Christ Jesus, I speak newness into every area of my life in Jesus’ name.

6.            The resurrection of Jesus marked a new beginning. Today, I receive a new beginning and a fresh start. It’s a new dawn for me in Jesus’ name.