
Emblems are symbolic representations of something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible.

The newness experience may not be visible, but it’s a tangible happening that are depicted through many associations of occurrences.

God instruction in Isaiah 43:19 is to do a new thing. The evidence/emblem of newness experience are the way and waters/rivers/streams He made available to turn around the ugly situations of His people to new experiences.

Our exhortation this evening is to discover from the word of God events that characterise an experience of newness. They are notable association that cannot be separated from newness.

When God made water available in the desert, they all drank satisfactorily from the unending source of God. The water was visible for all to see and drank from(Psalm 126:4;Isaiah 35:7).

God made a way in the wilderness so that the thick bush paths now became accessible to all the dwellers and passer-bye. Nobody could deny the express road through which they sojourn (Exodus 14:21)

Identifying the emblem of newness

1. Newness is associated with a new lease of life like what Naman experiences – II Kings 5:14

2. Newness is associated with rejoicing and jubilation like the lame man experienced after many years of limitations and captivity Acts 3:3-9

3. Newness is also characterised with laughter following pleasant surprises Sarah received against a natural order of event- Gen. 21:6-7; Job 8:21 Compare Gen.17:17 & 21:6-7.

4. Newness is closely linked with communal testimonies, drawing men to celebrate what God has done. Psalm 126:1-2; John 4:24; 39,42.

5. Newness features a joyous and celebration mood and scenarios -Psalm.118:15; Isaiah 52:9; Isaiah 54:1

Life Applications:

God is sharing through Isaiah’s words that even today, as it was true centuries ago, God is doing a new thing in our lives, making paths through our problems and being the light in a dark world. He sent His son to be our Saviour and to open the door to this new thing through salvation in Him. He is the living water today that brings about a refreshing and new satisfaction to quench thirst souls.

Let’s Pray Together.

1. Thank you, Jesus, for your words are ever true and ever potent – Psalm 119: 160; Heb.4:12

2. Let your find fulfilment in my life today and always in the name of Jesus- Jeremiah 1:12; Psalm 119:89; Luke 1:38

3. This season, the Lord my God will saturate my life with happiness and good things in the name of Jesus- -Eccl.3:12-13

4. II Kings 5:14.  Father, cause to experience a new lease of life better than what I am currently passing through.

Let every infirmity or blemish in my life be washed away by the blood of Jesus for a new life today.

O Lord, as you turn the situation of Naman around for good, I shall experience a brand-new turnaround this hour in Jesus’name

5. Acts 3:7-10- Let rejoicing and jubilation fill my life this season because you are doing a new thing concerning me in Jesus’name. 

Let ceaseless praise fill my mouth from now onward

6. Gen.21:6-7- Turn my longstanding weeping into lasting laughter in the name of Jesus.

Laughter and tears of joy shall fill my mouth this season in Jesus’ name

7. Psalm 126:2- My era of visible testimonies is here in the name of Jesus

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