
  • Journey is inevitable in the story of every forward thinking man.
  • We are naturally created to be mobile as human
  • Varying types of Journey could and would be embarked upon: physical; spiritual; carrier-wise; business trips; educational tour, leisure


  1. every journey I must involve in,  the Lord will grant me safe safety, comfort and satisfaction in the name of Jesus
  2. In all progressive journey of 2024, I will not be stagnant, I will not be stopped and my journey will not be cut off in the mighty name of Jesus

What must I do to enter into divine calmness

  1. I must allow Jesus into my boat- Matthew 8:23 : Now when He got into the boat…...
  2. He must be invited into the journey of 2024.
  3. He will only enter when He’s beckon to come in ! (John 2:2).
  4. He doesn’t struggle to settle in
  5. Allow him into your life to impact your life (Matt.13:58-Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.)
  • Jesus must be the leader while we follow- Matt.8:23b- …..His disciples followed Him…..
  • This must be the attitude.
  • He must take the lead for He knows the way ( John 14:6a; Rev.1:8).
  • We cannot invite Him and asked Him to hold on( Acts 10:13-15; Exodus 4:10-12 )
  • or relegate Him to the back( John 2:2,5);
  • Which seat will you give him or reserve for Him?
  • His yoke is easy and the burden is light
  • He is the good shepherd of our sole; where He leads let us follow.( John 10; 11; Psalm 23:1a).John 10: 27 “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”
  • Always come to Him for way out- Matt.8:24-25; Psalm 121:1-2; 123:1-2.
  • Challenges and storm may be inevitable but call on Him,
  • He will answer greatly and surprisingly ( Jer.33:3; Psalm 23:4)
  • Like disciples, let us learn to run to the grandmaster Jesus.
  • Don’t seek help elsewhere ( Psalm 16:4) but stand on the solid rock( Matt.7:24).
  • Journey with Jesus in faith and not fear- Matt.8:26.
  • Believe Jesus is capable to take you to your safe haven and destination.
  • Do not allow fear to dominate ( 2 Tim.1:7; Psalm 23:4;); 
  • Focus on Jesus and not the dreadful circumstances ( Matt.14:29-31).

B. Great calmness_ Vs 26-27

  • Journey with Jesus guarantees divine calmness
  • He sends fear away, calm the situation and ensure safe landing
  • Matthew 8:26–27 (NKJV): Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.
  • 27 So the men marveled.
  • Psalm 89:9 (NKJV): You rule the raging of the sea;

When its waves rise, You still them.- Psalm 89:9

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