In our last lesson, we explained the four key words in the topic of our study: “Kingdom”, “Virtues”, “Garment,” and “Elect”. We concluded that, those who are the elect (chosen) of God, holy and beloved of the Father, ought to clothe themselves with Kingdom virtues (in the form of garment), to portray them as belonging to God and living the life of Christ.

In this lesson, we shall focus our attention on one of these items of clothing, as outlined and described by Apostle Paul in our text, Colosions 3:12-15.


Literally, the bowel is part of the digestive system. It is made up of the small bowel (small intestine) and the large bowel (large intestine or colon and rectum).

▪︎Bowels of something mean the deep inner parts of something, the inward or interior part. To understand this better, read Acts 1:18.

▪︎Figuratively, bowels connote deep emotions of various kinds.

Mercy is defined as the compassionate treatment of those in distress, especially when it is within one’s power to punish or harm them as they deserved.

▪︎In the Bible, Mercy is used in reference to giving forgiveness or withholding punishment. Look up Num. 14:18; Ps. 51:1; 103:10-11; Dan. 9:9.

▪︎God’s mercy shows up in the believer’s life at salvation. Check Titus 3:5.

▪︎Bowels of Mercy can therefore be described as “tenderhearted mercy” or “deep Compassion.”

Reflection: Read Exd.33:19 and Rom. 9:15 and briefly explain the concept of God’s mercy.


The concept of tenderhertedness brings to mind a picture of “ample insides” that are easily touched and moved to action. A tenderhearted person is easily moved to love, sorrow, and sympathy. Consider Peter’s encouragement to believers in 1Pt. 3:8.

A tender heart is very sensitive and affected. It feels things very strongly and responds quickly.

▪︎It does more than merely feel compassion when it sees someone hurting, vulnerable and in need of help or support. Consider the action of the good Samaritan in Lk.10:30-37. The merciful Christian sees other people’s problems and then works to help resolve them.

▪︎It empathises and bear other’s burdens (Gal. 6:1-3), patiently tolerates difficult people (2 Tim.2:24-25), and is always ready to do good (Titus 3:1-2).

Mercy is also described as a mission or act performed to alleviate the suffering of others. It is to have compassion to spare, to pity… Check Exd. 2:6; 1Sam. 23:21.

By His nature, God is merciful, compassionate, and tenderhearted. His infinite compassion towards us is made known throughout the Scriptures. Look up Exd.34.6; Ps. 86:15; Is. 49: 15-16.

▪︎God’s Compassion is rooted in His covenant bond with His people. Check 2kings 13:23; Lam. 3:22-23.

In the New Testament, God’s tenderheartedness is revealed through the life and Ministry of His Son, Jesus Christ.

▪︎His compassion moved Him to heal the sick, feed the hungry, and forgive repentant sinners. Check Matt. 9:36; 14:14; 20:34; Mk. 1:40-41; 8:2; Lk. 15:20.

God calls us to follow His example by clothing ourselves with tenderharted mercy. Look up Lk. 6:36.

Tenderhearted mercy and compassion moves Christians to do God’s will on earth.

▪︎If it is God’s will to heal the sick, comfort those who are mourning, love the unlovable and take care of the needy, then compassion is first needed to move us into doing those godly actions.


As believers, God is the source and supply of our comfort and compassion for others. Check 2Cor. 1:3-5; Phil. 2:1-2.

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