In continuation of our lessons from the parables of Jesus, our text for the day points out to us another way Jesus describes those that are kingdom citizens. In our previous lesson, it was pointed out that this address by Jesus was given to specific people and not just anybody. I hope the challenge gotten so far still resonates in our minds.

What is light? It is that which makes vision possible. It also can be said to be a spiritual illumination Jh1:5. Light can also be that which is said to be that which informs or make known, in some cases, that which shines or brighten up a place, an idea, etc. is itself called the light. It also can be said to be the presentation of a view upon which one stands

While on earth, Christ affirmed that He was the light on earth Jh 8:12, 9:5 and the light gave sight to those lacking in spiritual understanding, and living in assumptions. These are those not in-line with the ways of the kingdom. He restored many, and attracted many to God and HIs kingdom. Light is that which a life gets and becomes having dealt with the issue of sin and iniquity Eph 5:14. This light that Jesus was, represented, and proclaimed is what believers are today. Eph 5:8 and we have the duty to walk as one with all thankfulness and sense of duty Col1:12., 1Thess 5:5  because as Christ was then, believers are now, the light of the world John 9:5. The radiance and illumination we give to our world ought to be such that all can perceive, see and experience. From, our text, the words of Jesus indicates a global relevance.  

What does it mean to walk as light?

What Light Does

  1. Light helps to see and appreciate beauty Gen 1:31
  2. It brings reveals the hidden things of darkness  and reveals the counsel of the heart 1 cor 4:5,
  3. Eph 5:13 it points out to us those things that are reproved, condemnable
  4. Luk 15:8 it helps in the recovery of that which is lost.
  5. The availability of the light of God keeps one form stumbling Jh 11:9-10
  6. The introduction and empowerment of light dispels darkness and the works of darkness Jh 1:5
  7.  The light guides those in the grip of darkness and death out in the way of peace, luk 1:79
  8. The light reveals to us our destination Jh 12:35, Isa 60:2
  9. The presence of light makes the journey of life easy

Some of the things the Bible says about light

  1. Jesus is light and the glory of the divine illuminates Rev 21:23
  2. The appearance of Christ and his covering is light Matt 17:2, Acts 9:3-4
  3. The life of God is light unto men Jh 1:4
  4. Darkness cannot comprehend, pull down, over power the light of God Jh 1:5
  5. The appearance of light announces salvation for those without and glory for those in the fold of God. Luk 2:29-32
  6. The abode of God is light. 1 Tim 6:16
  7. It is the revelation of the glorious gospel of Christ, the revealer of God 2 Cor 4:4
  8. Light connotes daytime and the activities of the day. That it is day tells us that we have been called to duty. Jh 9:4.

Since we have been called to duty, to work; why do some Christians still complain about being the ones saddled with the responsibilities of doing good works?

  • Believers being chosen generation, royal priests, holy nation, ones belonging to God, are so called in order to show forth God’s praise who has called from darkness to light. 1Pet 2:9
  • Those who are not the children of the world are regarded as the children of light Lk 16:8

On the final note, Jesus’ admonitions in Luk 11:33-36 and Matt 5:16 should re-echo in our minds as children of God living in the light of God and who also are the light of the world:

  1. Your light should not be hidden
  2. Your reception of the light of God determines to a great extent how much of God you enjoy. It is like God is saying that He already has shed His light abroad, however, that which will be of benefit to any life is that which the life is able to bring in (if your eyes be …then your body will be…)
  3. Believers do not need more light in order to function maximally, what is needed is the more reception, accommodation, usage, application, of the light that you are and have
  4. Be sure to keep your lamp burning, your light shining. Luk 12 :35  
  5. The light of God affecting and influencing a life can be rejected. However, note that this is also a rejection of the LIFE of God both now and hereafter Jn 3:19

Consider Jh 3:20-21, and point out why people go after darkness and light respectively as a choice

Note that a life living in darkness stands the risk of being uprooted Matt 15:13. Why? God does not intend that His children be involved with/in darkness. Consider the warning and call and God’s intervention in Eph 5:11-14 and Eph 2:1-4

  • The light you shine as a child of God should be beautiful enough to attract others to your God. Matt 5:16

    The point of Jesus calling the believers the light of the world is in relation to the view that anyone that is now born of God now has the Life-Light on his inside and therefore can be said to be a life created by The Light to be the light. 

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