As God’s children, going forward this year with assurances that speak to us in a way that resonates with our desires and needs are comforting and empowering to say the least.

Our theme for the month points out the following.

1.We can enter into a relationship with God. Exo 6:6-7

2.We are in a relationship with God. John 20:17b

3. We can benefit from this relationship.. Eze 37:24-28, Jer 30:22

A. How do we enter into this relationship

Entering into a relationship with god calls for the following

Prayer and God’s word, fellowship and service, avoiding a life of sin, listen to the voice of God (Ps 119:11, Mk 1:35, Heb 10:25, Jh 10:27a, John 9:4)

B. Since we are in relationships with God. What are we to do

1. Guard this relationship. Matt 24:4

2. Love the Lord Matt 22:37

3. Not take God for granted Prov1:24

C. The benefits include the following

1.  eternal life (Jh 10:27b)

2. Privilege of the light

# The word light was first mentioned in Genesis 1:3 and it brought about a separation between the day and the night. (This light mentioned was not the sun neither was it the moon etc. vs 14-18)

Let’s note these passages and their implications

1 John 1:5-7 God is light, another affirmation of our anchor text. It also tells us that this light is pure i.e it is one with no iota of darkness in it. It is an attractive light that brings others into HIS radiance, meaning that which God is, he wants us to be.

John 9:5 the light has a voice. To direct, guide, affirm, instruct

James 1:17. The light gives good gifts and perfect gifts that abide   

#It also showed the contrast between the redeemed and the cursed Exo 10:23. Light also can be seen as that which exposes Eph 5:13. The light also is that which shields  

We are to do the work of him that sent us while it is day, because the night cometh when no one Cn work

Ps 18:28 makes it clear that

-it is God that gives light to our lamps

-our lives are characterized with darkness therefore we need God to give light

My God speaks of relationship.

Time of danger

When in doubt, not sure what to do

When in ourselves we see no help, way or certainty

When imagination fails

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