My God, My Stronghold – Psalm 27:1-6

  • David’s testimony from Psalm 27:1 reveals God Almighty as the Stronghold for His children.
  • He confessed God as the stronghold of His entire life, so he had got nothing to be afraid of.

What is Stronghold?

  • a strongly fortified defensive structure
  • stronghold is a building or other structure that is safe from attack. A fortress is a perfect example of a stronghold.

Understanding Stronghold from the Scripture

The stronghold can be described as strenght that holds many things together. It is expressible in many ways:

  1. Stronghold is a defensive structure: Psalms 9:9 The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
  2. a stronghold can also be a place of comfort, a safe place: – Prov.18:10; In 2 Samuel 22:2-3, David said: The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I

take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior–from violent men you save me.

  • Strongholds are also storage places, holding food, water and weapons.- Nahum 1:7
  • Stronghold is a place to launch attack to the camp of enemy and opposition – Jeremiah 51: 1-5; 20-21; 53,56. 2 Cor.10:4-5-
  • Ancient Babylon also was built up as a seemingly invincible stronghold.
  • But God destroyed her lofty stronghold,  I will send destroyers against her,’ declares the LORD.”
  • And so he did, sending Cyrus and the Medo-Persians to take the stronghold,

         by diverting the river that flowed through the city and marching in on the riverbed!

Current Implications of God being our Stronghold

  1. God is our defence and security
  2. and we shall not be afraid of any form of insecurity around us, be it of life or properties.
  3. God remains our chief security officer
  4. Our watchman day and night,  round the

clock. -Prov.3:24-26; Job 5:19-20; Psalm91:5-8-

2. God’s divine provision and satisfaction is guaranteed because God is our stronghold.Psalms 36:7-8.

3. Our victory in battle is certain and assured because

  • The commander in chief of army is our host- Col.1:16-17; Isa.35.4; Exodus14:14; 2 Chron.20:16-17- say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.”
  • His army are always capable of fighting for us – Joshua 5:13; Exodus 23:20 [20] “See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.
  • He never lost a battle and will never loose one

The instrument of Embracing Divine stronghold

  1. The word of God- This is the spiritual weapon to fight against the host of enemy- 2 Corinthians 10:4-5. The word can be launched out as potent sword for attack and defence.- Eph.6:17b

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