
Having understood from our last lesson the quality of God’s promises.  We want to take steps forward to actualize the promises of God for our lives both now and times to come.

What does it mean to obtain?

To obtain is to receive; to get; to acquire or secure something.

What will you be willing that the Lord should do for you?   Know today that you can obtain it in accordance with His will (3 John 2; Jeremiah 29:11; Hebrews 11:40.)

God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect – Heb.11:40.

Therefore, understand that you have a role to play. It’s your role to seek, know, to understand, and do what must be done in obtaining God’s lots and portions for you at all seasons ( Psalm16:5; Daniel 9:2-3)

Psalm 16:5: LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.

What does Obtaining the Promises Entails:

Firstly, the First things first:

Regarding the promises of God, the first truth to underscore is that these promises are coming from God.

They do not originate from man (men) (Numbers 23:19), so it’s not subject to probability or uncertainties (  James 1:17), regardless of how many they are (II Cor.1:19-20).

James 1;17: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning”

…..who does not change like shifting shadows.(NIV)

Therefore, the focus of anyone who will obtain or receive what has been promised must be on the promise (Matt. 24: 35) and the God who has spoken (Heb.12:2; Heb.10:25; 1 Thessalonians 5:24).

Secondly, you are to look unto Him for everything — Isaiah 45:22-23:

It’s not enough to know what God promises are. But you must look unto Him who is all knowing; all powerful and all doing (Isaiah 45 vs 22-23).

Everyone who wants Him can look unto Him. He said …”all you ends of the earth…- (Psalm 34:5; Matt.11:28;)

Whosoever would look unto Him will be saved and live (Numbers 21:8-9 & John 3: 14-15).

Where do you look unto; who else or what else do you call upon- Psalm 37:4?

God says in Isaiah 45:22c, …” there is none else”.

Even this season that we are in as a nation, if you will not ignore Him and truthfully look unto Him, you will live; thrive and succeed upon His promises. (Prov.3:5-6; Psalm 37: 18-19;25).

God said His words have integrity, and His promises are sworn blessings. It’s a great deal to look and be steadfast in your focus- Isaiah 45:23

And I wonder—in a time that we’re living in now—what could we look to that would be more solid than God?

And God is the Word (John 1:1). So, look to the Word of God today for your answer. The Bible has the answer for this day. It’s had for other days. It’s got it forever because it is Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Thidly, Hope in God is the next critical step to obtain God’s promises.- Romans 4:18.

Abraham hopes against all hopelessness (Gen. 15:5 vs 17:17; 21:5)

Hope beget expectation. Proverb 23:18; Romans 8:24-25)

Hope preserves the promises of God in our hearts, and it makes us persevere.

When you look unto God, Hope keeps your eyes on Him until He delivers.

There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off-Prov.23:18

But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish-Psalm 9:18.

Strive to obtain the word of God for your life, it worth hoping for – Romans 4:18b…..” just has it has been said (NIV).

Edward Mote taught believers hope in Christ alone. All other systems will fail, but hope in God only will stand the test of time.

My hope is built on nothing less

than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;

I dare not trust the sweetest frame,

but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.


On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand:

all other ground is sinking sand;

all other ground is sinking sand.

The fourth step for consideration is “A Strong and Growing Faith”- Romans 4:19-20.:

Faith is what can make you as a believer look unto God for what He has for you.

Faith fuel the hope to wait with expectation

Faith in God delivers God promises to us as His children.

It may not be wrong to have small faith, but your faith in Christ must grow large to become gteat and daring ones.

“without weakening in his faith….”

A weakening faith can not obtain God’s promises.

Note “his faith.”

It’s your faith that will deliver for you. The faith of others may help, but yours is most important.

Faith doesn’t deny facts (Romans 4:19b; ) but trust the faithfulness of God( Heb.11:11

Faith and obedience are intertwined in the actualisation of the promises of God- Gen.17:17, 23. Both fast track and guarantee fulfilment of promises of God.

Faith and believe are closely linked in the journey of seeing God fulfilling what He has said. When you believe in God and His words( Luke 1:45), it helps to checkmate unbelief.

Faith is inside believe and believe manifest through faith. Your believe in God can only be shown and sustained through faith.

Lastly, the fifth step is to base your persuasion and confidence on the power of God- Romans 4:21: … being fully persuaded that God had the power to do what he had promised.

The power of God is the fulcrum upon which your confidence can stand.

Confidence is found absolutely and what God has said and the power He has to deliver.

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