Sold out to Christ for Better Hope – Matthew 16:24-26

Understanding the concepts of being sold:

To be sold out to God means relinquishing control and surrendering all at His feet.

A sold-out life in the literal sense is saying my body, spirit, and soul belong to Christ.

It should be our lifestyle as children of God who are committed to the deep things of God.

Selling takes place when goods are exchanged between two individuals for monetary gain and satisfaction – the concept of service and satisfaction

Terms and conditions applied.
The service offer is usually proportional in direct version to the payment made. The satisfaction of either party is likewise related and strongly linked to the price involved. _Matthew 19:27-29-; Luke 18:28-29

Being sold can also be used when a master sells his belongings to another with or without the approval of the subjects.- the concept of servanthood but not servitude

The servanthood in us as children of God makes it possible to live for Christ.

The servant yields to the master in all respects. What the master says inform and dictate the movement of the servant. Servant permits himself to be used of God anyhow and anyway.-

The 3rd concept about being sold out is the willingness of the subject to be released to a superior buyer even when one understands the attending consequences – the concept of sacrifice and submission

Being sold out to the master will only be possible when the subjects willfully surrender to be course.

A life of sacrifice in full. Yielding to Christ in total.
Isaac yielded to the Father not minding what lie ahead- Gen.22:4-5

The Hope of Sold-out Life.

Nothing is sweeter than having a sure hope in Christ

Hope for life in Christ is both in the contemporaries and the world to come.( 1 Cor.15:19

Heb.11:6- God rewards everyone who comes to Him- “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him”.

Abundant life and harvest are the lots of life sold out for Christ

Pattern of life sold out to Christ

Every man has only one life. This life is corrupt by nature until transformation takes place in our heart being about a new regenerated life at salvation.

For this life to be profitable optimally for Christ, it must be exhibit and demonstrate the following virtue.

  1. Must be ready to embrace the word of God – John 6:63
  2. It’s an individual decision and not a collective response.
  3. The call to answer first is to be with Jesus. Being with Him makes you His Disciple and gain an understanding of the Master’s lifestyle- Acts 11

Self-denial is critical. Self must be displaced at the centre of your life for Christ to rule and reign- Luke 9:23. John said, “

Cross is the centre of the pursuit of every life sold for Christ. Without understanding the message of the cross, there is no life1 Cor.1:18; Gal.2:20; Phil. 1:21; Matt.10:23; Luke 14:27.

The life of God (Zoe) must be lived at the expense of any other options. Seeing God first and His righteousness remains the priority, no alternative for consideration ( Matt.6:33).

The soul of every child of God sold out to Christ must be preserved. Nothing in this world must be allowed to corrupt your soul. Your heart must be thoroughly guarded to secure things that matter to Christ.( Prov. 4:23)
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

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