THE GOD OF SATISFYING HARVESTS – Ezekiel 47:12; Psalm 85:12


Today’s passage is about a vision of hope given to the prophet Ezekiel who lived in exile for 25 years in Babylon (40:1).

Today’s passage (Eze 47:1-12) describes a marvellous river flowing from the temple to bring life and healing to the land.

This vision reveals God’s heart for a broken world and testifies about the gospel of Jesus. God wants us to know his heart and to give us a river of life that flows out to heal our broken hearts and our violent world.

Satisfaction can be defined as meeting the expectations, needs, or desires of (someone).

Whatever is satisfying is pleasant and enjoyable. It is not endured

Harvest means the time of year or season when crops are ripe and ready to be gathered for consumption.

Harvest could be fat or thin; rich or sparse.

What Satisfying Harvests implies

Message of Comfort and Assurance: A satisfying harvest is a message that guarantees comfort and assurance of stability for the children of God against proliferating hunger poverty, economic melt down and emerging and re-emerging global epidemics. ( Lev.26: 1-5; Psalm 91 :10)

The message of hope against hopelessness ( Romans 5:5; 1 Kings 7:1)* for the children of God wherever they found themselves

The emblem of harvest here include flowing rivers, fruits, leaves

Understanding the God of Satisfying Harvests:

Everything about satisfying harvest centres around the God of all possibilities ( Luke 1:37; Gen.18:14; Jeremiah 32:17).

Let’s gain some understanding about our God, how He guarantees the satisfying harvest for each of His children

  • God the Source:  He is God, the source of all Harvests. (Gen.1:28-29.) Without Him nothing can be that ever exist- (Gen.9:1,7; 1 Cor.3:6-7). Out of His fullness, He gives all who desire to receive from Him ( John 1:16)
  • God the Supplier. God is not just the source of harvest but He is also God the supplier of every harvest. He is supplying all the need of His children in the dimensions of His riches.( Phil.4:19; Psalm 23:1). He supplied enabling grace per time for outstanding harvest of success. ( II Cor.9:8; Psalm 36:8).
  • He is the the God of sweet and suitable harvest-Eccl.3:14; Gen.26:1; 12-14. God is the controller of time and season, He doesn’t answer to varying climate. He can change anything but He doesn’t change. He brings out the best of harvest even where it is least expected.( James 1:17-18; Exodus 16:35). Acts 14:17)
  • God the Sustainer: The power of God is demonstrated in that He has power to sustain whatever He initiated. He is the sustainer of satisfying harvests (Lev.26:4-5). His covenant of unending harvest stands till this day ( Gen.8:22;
  • God the chief Security: God cares optimally for His children. He watched over whatever He blesses us with.( II Chron. 16:9; Psalm 121:4-7). He also secure every harvest of good things He granted- Psalm 107:37-38.

Prayer Guide

1. O Lord, my due harvest will not elude me in the name of Jesus

2. Father, all my labour of the past and present shall yields bountiful harvest for me this season in Jesus‘ name

3. Father in the name of Jesus, let my heaven of harvest be perpetually open

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