Although the programme today is organised and powered by the Men’s department of the NBC, this study is for everyone: Men, Women, Youth, Adult. It is for all Christian believers, because the place of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian cannot be overemphasized (Rom. 8:14).
▪︎ The trinitarian Christians (those who accept and believe in the doctrine of Trinity) believe the Holy Spirit to be “The third Person of the Trinity,” a triune God manifested as “God the Father,” “God the Son,” and “God the Holy Spirit,” each being God.
▪︎ The Holy Spirit is a distinct divine Person equal in substance to the Father and the Son, and not Subordinate to them.
(We can use the analogy of Water existing as Solid, Liquid, and Gas to explain the doctrine of Trinity.
▪︎ Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are one. All share the same characteristics:
> Omnipotent (All-powerful)- Gen. 17:1; Jer. 32:17; Lk. 1:35
> Omnipresent (At all places at the same time and in equal magnitude)- Jer. 23:23-24; Ps.139:7-8
> Omniscient (All-Knowing)- Is. 46:9-10; 1 Cor. 2:10-11.
> Eternal (Ps. 90: 2; 1Tim. 1:17; Jn. 14:16.
• The Holy Spirit is another Helper/Comforter (Jn. 14:16)
The word “another” as used here means “another of the same kind, that is, a Helper or Comforter of the same kind as Christ Himself.
This further establishes the fact that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one God (Jn. 1:1-3; Gen. 1:1).
The concepts of “Indwelling” and “Infilling” of the Holy Spirit are often confused or used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings in Christian theology.
The indwelling (in-dwelling) of the Holy Spirit refers to the permanent presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer.
This occurs at the moment of salvation, when the Holy Spirit takes up residence in the believer’s heart (Rom. 8:9-11; 1Cor. 3:16; 6:19.
The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit:
▪︎ Seals the believer, marking him as belonging to God (Eph. 1:13; 4:30).
▪︎ Provides assurance of the believer’s salvation and relationship with God (Rom.8:16-17).
▪︎ Empowers for holiness (enables the believer to live a holy life, conforming to the image of Christ)- Rom. 8:29; 2Cor. 3:18.
God, by the Holy Spirit, had given each believer one or more gifts to be used in the work of the kingdom, and to be what God wants, designed and destined us to be. It is up to us to discover our gifts and use them in the wok of service, to the building up of the body of Christ (Jn. 14:26), and thereby fulfil our God’s ordained destiny.
To do this, every believer needs the “infilling of the Holy Spirit.”
The infilling of the Holy Spirit refers to a subsequent experience, after salvation, of empowerment and equipping for ministry.
▪︎ It is also known as the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit.”
▪︎ This experience is often accompanied and evidenced by speaking in tongues (Acts 2:4; 10:45), boldness (Acts 4:30), Spontaneous praise (Acts 10:45-46), Prophecy (Acts 19:6).
The Infilling of The Holy Spirit:
▪︎ Empowers and equips believers for effective ministry, evangelism, and service (Acts 1:8).
▪︎ Results in the manifestation of spiritual gifts, such as healing, Prophecy, or tongues (1Cor. 12:4-11).
▪︎ Increases boldness and faith, enabling believers to witness and serve with greater effectiveness (Acts 4:29-31).
▪︎ It is the promise of both God the Father (Joel 2: 28-29) and God the Son (Acts 1:8).
▪︎ It is both instantaneous (Acts 2:1-4)and progressive (Eph. 5:18).
Examples of People that were “infilled” or “baptised” with the Holy Spirit in the bible:
▪︎ New Christians in Samaria (Acts 8:14-17).
▪︎ Saul of Tarsus (Apostle Paul)- Acts 9:17-18.
▪︎ Cornelius and his household (Acts 10:44-47)
▪︎ Disciples at Ephesus (Acts 19:1-6)
How To Receive The Baptism of The Holy Spirit
▪︎ Repentance (Acts 2:37-38).
▪︎ Desire (Matt. 7:7)
▪︎ Activate your faith (Heb. 11:1,6
▪︎ Laying of hands (Acts 3: 14-17)
▪︎ All believers have experienced the indwelling of the Holy Spirit but not all believers have experienced the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
▪︎ A believer who has not received the baptism/Infilling of the Holy Spirit is still a Christian but a powerless one. Such a Christian cannot function effectively in the gifts that he carries.