2 TIMOTHY 2:15; JEREMIAH 31:31-34


A very important key to understanding God’s Word is knowing that God’s Word is divided into covenants.

 To rightly divide the Word, or to correctly interpret the Word, we need to study the Word in the context of covenants.

God is a covenant-making and a covenant- keeping God who governs His Kingdom according to covenants with His people.

To believe in the right way, we have to believe according to our covenant with God. Believing wrongly can lead to unnecessary bondage and defeat, and can block a person from living the blessed life of divine satisfaction.


The word “Covenant” is seldom used in today’s vocabulary and is mostly absent from normal conversations outside legal documents, Marriage ceremonies, and religious matters.

The “covenant” is of latin origin (Con venire), meaning “a coming together.”

It presupposes two or more parties who come together to make or establish a relationship by agreeing on promises, stipulations, privileges and responsibilities. There are blessings that come if the terms of the relationship are kept, and there are penalties that come if the term is broken.

The parties are bonded together with common interests (Amos 3:3), and the agreement places obligations and regulations between them, to do or not to do certain things. Look up Jer. 31:31-34. Compare Heb. 3.8-12.

Biblically, a covenant means “a secred agreement or mutual promise between God and a person or a group of people.”

In making a covenant, God promises a blessing for obedience to particular commandments. Check Gen. 17:1-2, 7; Jos. 1:8-9.

He sets the terms of His covenants, the authority of the covenants resides in Him and Him alone.

Keeping covenants qualifies us to receive the blessings God has promised.

Reflection: Read Gen. 17:1-2 and identify the authority, stipulation, responsibilities, privileges and promises in that covenant.


Although some people consider a covenant and a promise as synonymous, it is a wrong assumption.

A covenant can be viewed as a formal agreement between two as more parties, where they agree to do or not to do something.

A promise on the other hand, is an assurance that one will do something or that something will happen.

Differences Between a Covenant And a Promise

1. Roles

In a covenant, the roles of both parties have to be active. In a promise however, the role of only one party is active and attention is mainly on a single party.

2. Responsibilities and Obligations

 In a covenant, both parties have clear responsibilities and obligations. In a promise, responsibilities and obligations are for only the active party.

3. Context

The word “Covenant” is mostly used in legal and religious contexts, while the word “promise”which can be used in any context

4. Legal validity.

A covenant, being a formal agreement, has legal binding and Validity. Promise do not hold any legal binding or validity.

Reflection: Give examples of covenant and Promise

Covenant can be established in the following regionships:

1. Between individuals -(David and Jonathan 1Sam. 18:3-4; Mal. 2.14.

2. Between families (Jacob and Laban)- Gen.31:43-48

3. Between nations (Israel and Canaanites)- Exd. 23:32; 34:12, 15; 1Kings 20.34.

4.  Between God and man (Divine covenant)

Because of God’s great superiority to man, His covenants are not negotiable. He alone sets forth the conditions, and His faithfulness ensures that the stipulations of His covenants will be carried out. God’s covenants and their attendant promises lay out the Lord’s Kingdom plan that He began when He created man to be His Regent on planet Earth. Look up Gen. 1:28; Ps. 115:16.

Types of Covenants

The covenants in the Bible can be grouped into two principal categories or types: conditional and unconditional.

A conditional Covenant is an agreement between two or more parties that requires Certain terms to be met. If the terms are met, there will be one kind of result (fovourable). If the terms are not met, there will be a different result (unfavourable) Conditional covenants are also called “Covenants of works”. Check Gen. 17:1-2; Deut. 28:1-2, 13.

An unconditional covenant is an agreement between two or more parties that involves no stipulations of any kind for fulfilment of the agreement. It is also Known as “Covenant of Grace”. check Gen. 15:18-21.


Understanding God’s covenants is the key to making sense of the entire Bible.

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