PSALM 16: 8-11


  • Everything that has a beginning must have an end. So also, is the current year.
  • It is natural that the zeal and hope of man diminishes as the year wind down
  • The good news is that God is not done with you (us)- individually and congregation.
  • The joy that comes from God surpasses the happiness that the world offers.

Understanding the unending Joy

The unending joy has some unique features and characteristics that distinguishes it from what the world and man can offer. Unending joy continues forever or indefinitely.

  1. Unending joy originates from God and God is the author- Neh.8:10
  2. Unending joy doesn’t answer to the season of the world.
  3. Unending joy is from within, and it is independent of external circumstances- Psalm 16:9; Prov.17:22; 1 Peter 1:6-8
  4. Unending joy is the manifestation of spirit-life and beyond the physical state of mind- Gal.5:22; 2 Cor.4:7-9; 14-17

The God of unending Joy

Whatever is unending originates from God and only God. The God of unending joy is

  1. Unending- Psalm 90:2; 102:27 (25-27); Rev.1:8; Isaiah 46:10
  2. Unchanging- Heb.1:12 (10-12); 13:8
  3. Timeless and limitless- 1 Tim.1:17; Rev.1:17-18- The psalmist makes an astounding claim, “Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven.”- Psalm 119:89.  Forever refers to a period of indefinite time. It is timeless.  But it is also settled. It stands, it is fixed.

Accessing the unending Joy- Psalm 16:11; Isaiah 12:3

The fullness of joy is found in no one else, it is available to all yet every individual must learn how to access and enjoy it in full:

  1. Looking up to Jesus always and in all situations – this speaks of surrenderness and helplessness in self- Psalm 16:8
  2. Cultivating and sustaining being in the presence of God- Psalm 100:4-5; Psalm 51: 10-11
  3. Praising and Rejoicing in God always- 1 Thessalonians 5:16; Psalm 16:9; Heb. 12:28; Isaiah 35:10; Isa 51:11

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