INTRODUCTION: A disciple is a pupil or follower of any teacher; a true disciple is not just a student or a learner, but a follower, one who applies what he has learned from his teacher.

Who then is a true follower of Christ? A true follower of Jesus Christ is someone who believes in Jesus Christ, follows His teachings, examples and commandment with humility, love and dedication.

Let’s consider some of the characteristics of true disciples of Jesus Christ as seen in the scriptures:

1.     True disciples live according to God’s word (Matthew 4:4): the word of God remains the food which true disciples live by; obeying the word and applying the word to every aspect of life, the word of God is like a lamp and light guiding the life and decision making of true disciples (Psalm 119:105). The word of God is sweet to the true disciple, they consider it sweeter than honey (Psalm 119:103). The word of God gives them understanding in the things of God (Psalm 119:104). The word of God stored in their hearts keeps them from sinning as it is the manual that contains the commandments of God (Psalm 119:11)

2.     True disciples follow the example of Jesus (1Corinthians 11:1): imitating Christ is one of the chief marks of true disciple, the name Christian is directly linked with imitating Christ; it was first given to the disciples of Christ by those who observed them and was able to see clearly in the disciplescharacteristics of Jesus Christ (Acts 11:26). Jesus makes it clear that those who claim to be His disciples but don’t resemble Him is a false disciple (Luke 6:46)

3.     True disciples bear fruit (John 15:16): Our Lord made is clear that He chose us to bear fruit, it is the desire of our Lord that we who are His disciples should bear fruit and that our fruit that should abide.We see in the call of Peter in Mark 1:16-18 that our Lord mentions categorically that Peter was to become a ‘fisher of men’. Each disciple is a fisher of men in a unique way, according to the measure and dealing of God with each one, but one thing that will mark every true disciple is fruit bearing.

4.     A true disciple Seeks a close relationship with God (Psalm 119:18-20): we see repeatedly in Psalms 119 the longing and heart desire of every true disciple, which is to be closer to God and to know more about God; he cries “open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things out of your law”. His desire is “hide not your commandments from me”, his soul is consumed with “longing for ordinances of God at all times”. He knows that a day spent in God’s house is better than a days spent elsewhere, he further affirms that being a door keeper in God’s house is a great delight (Psalm 84:10), His soul ‘longs’ and even ‘faints’ for the courts of the Lord (Psalm 84:2). This must be the longing of our hearts if we will be true disciples of Jesus Christ

5.     A true disciple is one who is ready and willing to serve others (John 13:14-16): our Lord during His last meal with His disciples showed them a perfect example of how we, who are His followers should relate to one another; He washed their feet, in Jewish culture this washing of feet was reserved for the lowest of servants, but our Lord not only set aside His glory in heaven to wear our corruptible matter but also in the flesh goes further to show us a true example of humility; He goes on further to tell us that we are to do the same. He tells us in Mark 10:43-45 that the greatest of us must be the one who serves the others, He tell us that even He is our example in this by telling us that He, the Lord of Glory “did not come to be served but to serve others and to give His life a ransom for many”. If we would be true disciples, we must be willing to serve other and to deny ourselves and to place others above ourselves

6.     True disciples deny self and bears the cross (Matthew 16:24): our Lord Jesus Christ lays this down as an imperative for discipleship; though anyone and everyone is free to become a disciple, however there is a demand that must be met, self-denial and the bearing of the cross daily and following Him. This self-denial spans across the following spheres:

**Willingness to lose one’s life for the sake of following Christ (Matthew 16:25)

**Willingness to renounce all (family and property) in order to be a disciple (Luke 14:33)

**Placing God above all else (John 21:15)

**Loving one’s neighbor as one’s self (Matthew 22:39)

7.     True disciple forgives (Colossians 3:13): Paul reminded the Colossian disciples that it is very important that those of us who have received God’s forgiveness must also extend such to others who have offended us, in fact he stress it that we should be patient with one another, reminding them that someone will offend but we must extend the same grace and kindness which God has extended to us in Christ to others who are outside. This quality of forgiveness is most sought after in Christians at all times, people especially unbelievers are fond of expecting Christians to forgive every offense committed against them, and rightly so, we must live up to what is expected of us not only by the watching world but by our Lord when He says “be perfect just as your Father in Heaven is perfect”(Matthew 5:48)after having taught us in details how we should behave as His disciples in the previous chapters

8.     True disciples continue in the teaching of Christ (John 8:30-31): while we become disciples of Jesus by believing in Him, it is also true that only those who continue in obedience to His teaching are His true disciples, it is in continuance in these teachings of His that certainly leads to greater and greater freedom (John 8:32), this is clearly taught in the Parable of the Sower, all received the word, but some for various reasons failed to bring forth fruits to perfection because of certain things, thus proved that they were never true disciples to begin with, but there is that which receives the word, understands it, and indeed bears fruit and yields and in one case, a hundred folds, in another sixty folds and in another thirty folds. Which are you?

9.     True disciples live in humility and gratitude (Romans 12:1): fortified with knowledge of the great mercy that God has shown to us in Christ, we are humble by it and with heart full of gratitude we live our lives in a way that shows that we are grateful by presenting our bodies daily to God as a living sacrifice, devoted to doing what is pleasing to God, avoiding the corruption that is in the world through lust.

10.   True disciples witness to unbelievers (Acts 1:1): the are two ways of representing religion said the saintly Jonathan Edwards, through words and deeds, both of which was clearly seen in our Lord and which is also required to be seen in us who are His followers; it is true that not all will be preachers and evangelists but all can certainlybe a voice bearing witness to the gospel which remains the power of God unto salvation to all who believes, if we call ourselves Christian, our lives must also be in agreement with our Christian claims whether preachers or not. In conclusion, the big question is this: are you a true disciple of Jesus Christ? If yes, congratulations, hold on to Christ, but if no, the gates are still open wide still though narrow they may be, for anyone and everyone who is willing to become a true disciple, His call still resonates daily, “come to Me”, His arms are extended still to rescue those who will call on Him, the word remains ever faithful and true; for God so love the world that He gave His Only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life; whoever comes to me, I will by no means cast out. Come to Jesus and become a true disciple today…

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