My God, My Stronghold – Psalm 27:1-6

  • David’s testimony from Psalm 27:1 reveals God Almighty as the Stronghold for His children.
  • He confessed God as the stronghold of His entire life, so he had got nothing to be afraid of.

What is Stronghold?

  • a strongly fortified defensive structure
  • stronghold is a building or other structure that is safe from attack. A fortress is a perfect example of a stronghold.

Understanding Stronghold from the Scripture

The stronghold can be described as strenght that holds many things together. It is expressible in many ways:

  1. Stronghold is a defensive structure: Psalms 9:9 The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
  2. a stronghold can also be a place of comfort, a safe place: – Prov.18:10; In 2 Samuel 22:2-3, David said: The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I

take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior–from violent men you save me.

  • Strongholds are also storage places, holding food, water and weapons.- Nahum 1:7
  • Stronghold is a place to launch attack to the camp of enemy and opposition – Jeremiah 51: 1-5; 20-21; 53,56. 2 Cor.10:4-5-
  • Ancient Babylon also was built up as a seemingly invincible stronghold.
  • But God destroyed her lofty stronghold,  I will send destroyers against her,’ declares the LORD.”
  • And so he did, sending Cyrus and the Medo-Persians to take the stronghold,

         by diverting the river that flowed through the city and marching in on the riverbed!

Current Implications of God being our Stronghold

  1. God is our defence and security
  2. and we shall not be afraid of any form of insecurity around us, be it of life or properties.
  3. God remains our chief security officer
  4. Our watchman day and night,  round the

clock. -Prov.3:24-26; Job 5:19-20; Psalm91:5-8-

2. God’s divine provision and satisfaction is guaranteed because God is our stronghold.Psalms 36:7-8.

3. Our victory in battle is certain and assured because

  • The commander in chief of army is our host- Col.1:16-17; Isa.35.4; Exodus14:14; 2 Chron.20:16-17- say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.”
  • His army are always capable of fighting for us – Joshua 5:13; Exodus 23:20 [20] “See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.
  • He never lost a battle and will never loose one

The instrument of Embracing Divine stronghold

  1. The word of God- This is the spiritual weapon to fight against the host of enemy- 2 Corinthians 10:4-5. The word can be launched out as potent sword for attack and defence.- Eph.6:17b



  • To “glorify” God means to give glory to Him.
  • God means to acknowledge His greatness and give Him honor by praising and worshiping Him, primarily because He, and He alone, deserves to be praised, honored and worshiped. 

Who is this God (of Transformation) to be Glorified? -Luke 17: 11-14

  1. God that do good at all times- 1 Chron. 16:34
  2. God who moves around doing good and kind things-Psalm 107:8-9; Acts 10:38
  3. God of everyone who come to Him- Matt 11:28; John 6:37; Gal 3:28
  4. God that hears everyone who called or cried unto Him vs 13; Psalms 145:18-19
  5. God of encounter, positive change and lasting testimonies vs 14; Eccl.3: 13-14; Acts 3:6-8; Mark 10:52; Luke 17: 17

Life That Glorifies God- Luke 17:15-16

  1. Life that is purposeful about it- Psalms 9:1-2; Psalm 86:12-13; Exodus 15:11; 1 Peter 4:16
  2. Life that sees what God has done and… is doing. The one who acknowledges and realises how much God has done for him. Life that meditates on the works of God- Exodus 15:2-3,11-13; Job 42:1-2,5
  3. Life that will always return to give testimonies – Psalm 111:1; Acts 3:8-9
  4. Life that declares the goodness of the Lord with enthusiasm, joy and outstanding happiness- Psalm 150:6; Psalm 59:17; 1 Cor.14:15; Luke 18:43
  5. Life that focus on God and not reactions of men-Luke 17:17-18. They ignore the negative perspective of men but genuinely personally thank God Psalm 92:5


No one can out praise God, so keep Glorifying Him



  • God has shown us a perfect example of kindness by giving His only begotten Son, to die for the sin of mankind- Romans5:8; John 13:35.But God demonstrates His own love toward us, – in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
  •  It is expected that man will in turn extend the same act of kindness to other around them- 1John 3:14; 4:20
  • God has strategically placed you where you are truly needed.
  • There are people yearning for your help and they really need you to notice them.
  • As stewards, are you reaching out to help people? Are you kind to people around you? Do they consider you a someone accommodating or you often segregate yourself beca of your status?
  • Understanding Kindness
  • Kindness means having the spirit of helpfulness and generosity.
  • Show and live love, live a life that exemplifies Christ, and that touches others. Wherever you go and

whatever you do, let it be something that helps, supports, and blesses someone- Colossians 3:14

  • Demonstrating Compassion towards the needy- 1 John 3:17-18 1 John 3:17-18 Matt.15:32; Mark–“But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels ofcompassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.”
  • Learning kindness from the Little boy and the Others – John 6: 5-13

There are many important life lessons to pick from this little boy and other biblical characters that may guide us to live a life of kindness.

  1. Ability to recognise a need from afar- John 6:5a
  2. Ability to accommodate and be accessible to people- John 6:5b; Exodus 18:13; Matt 11:28; Heb.4:16
  3. Showing concerns to provide solutions  regardless of prevailing circumstances- John 5:6-8 2 Kings 5:2-3. Consider the kindness of Philip and Andrew, even in seemingly lack state, they show kindness.
  4. Willingness and readiness to help or assist others- John 6:9; 2Kings 4:42-43
  5. Giving cannot be separated from kindness in their lives
  • Being sensitive and intentional in showing kindness

Jesus Christ, the Supreme Example of Kindness: Luke 4:18–19; Acts 10:38

Jesus demonstrated compassion and kindness in all His earthly ministry: Kindness to the lost souls; kindness to men in captives and bondage; kindness to the hopeless and many more

  • Benefits of being kind

There are many benefits attached to kindness and some of them include:

1. Influence: Kindness is very contagious. When people keep witnessing our act of kindness, they will want to emulate us. This makes kindness radiate throughout the society.

2. God’s blessings: We receive rewards from the Lord personally both on earth and in heaven. When we are kind to others, we are reflecting who Jesus Christ is to them because Jesus is kindness personified.

 3. Great joy (Proverbs 16:24; 14:21):  It brings joy to the giver and peace to the receiver. When we show kindness to others, we make them happy and we are happy too. We develop inner joy and peace when we

are kind.

4. Honour (Proverbs 11:16-17): Honour follows kindness. People respect those who are kindhearted and they place them in great places. When we are kind, we will be respected and honoured by people around us.


  • When we show kindness, we reflect our God who “is gracious and compassionate . . . and rich in love” (Psalm 145:8).
  • Because God has shown great compassion to us, we naturally long to share His compassion with others. And as we do so intentionally, we “clothe” ourselves in it.



  • Focus week is an avenue for every Baptist women, men, youth and children to do a a critical appraisal of our walk with with God- 1 Cor.10:12
  • It provides opportunity for all to restrategise and keep focus on Christ who is able to lead us to the utmost end- Heb.12:2-3; Jude 1:24-25; Heb.7:25
  • To understand what is God’s mind time from time to time ( Newness) because in it we can sustain our relationship with the Father and we become satisfied all day long (Prov.4:18; 2 Cor.3:18; Jer.30:19; Isaiah 58:11)

Understanding Discipleship and Apostleship – Mark 3: 13-15.

A. The Caller and call of the disciples vs 13a

  • Jesus is the caller- Matt.4:18-19
  • He call everyone first into salvation- Titus 2:11; John 3:16b; Matt.6:33
  • He call into different tasks and services –


  • He ordain ( empower) whosoever respond to His call- vs 14a; 1 Thes.5:24

B. The Choice and commitment of the disciples

  • The choice of disciple is to respond promptly, appropriately and fully- …..and they came unto Him….at the said hour, no record of going away to come back another day.- Matt.4:20;22; Luke 14:17-20
  • The choice is a personalised one- Mark 3:16-19; Matt.4:18, 21
  • Everyone must remain committed to His call- Luke 9:23- daily walk with the Father

C. The Content of the task and commissioning ofthe disciples

  • First and foremost, it’s to be with Christ-  Matt. 11:28-3; Mark 4:11; . A call to connect constantly with Him. He model life in close proximity ( John 15:5-6; James 4:8)
  • Then to go out and preach the gospel
  • Given authority to do miracles, signs and wonders

Outcome of Discipleship and Apostleship

  • You become want He wants you to be
  • Newness in all dimensions – 2 Corinthians 3:18



Philippians 4:4: Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice!

  • To rejoice is to express a state of gladness, elation, and joy.
  • It may manifest in diverse expression from smiling, bursting in laughter, singing, dancing, praising, adoring God, bowing before our maker and creator, celebrating the faithfulness of God- Acts of Apostles 3:8; Psalm 85:6; Zephania 3:14.
    • Shout for joy, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O Israel! Rejoice and exult with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem! – Zephania 3:14
  • Rejoice surpasses materialistic happiness as children of God, it is subsume inside the joy that manifest in rejoicing- Psalm 97:12; Matt.5:12
  • Rejoicing originates from heart and not mere verbal expression- Habakkuk 3:17-18; Isa. 29:13; Romans 12:12; II Cor.6:8

Having understood what rejoicing is, there are secrets that make it possible for children of God to be in state of rejoicing in God regardless of current/prevalent experiences:

  1. Because we perfectly understand the workings of God in our lives- Ephesians 2:10; Jeremiah 29:11; Habakkuk 3:18-19; Romans 8:28; Psalm 139:13-14; Jeremiah 1:5
  2. Because we have absolute confidence in the care of our God- Psalm 121:1-2; Psalm 23:4; John 10:28-29 Psalm 16:8; Isaiah 50:7
  3. Because of His unfailing and constant love for us- Lam.3:2-23; Psalm 89:2 “Your unfailing love will last forever. Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens.” 

Isaiah 50:7 (NIV): 7 Because the Sovereign LORD helps me; I will not be disgraced. Therefore, have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:16 Rejoice always.
  • 2 Corinthians 6:10: as sorrowful yet always rejoicing, as poor yet making many rich, as having nothing yet possessing all things
  • Philippians 3:1- Further, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you.
  • Understanding and walking with the working of Holy Spirit- Gal.5:16
  • Remaining in the love of Christ- Psalm 48:24
  • Obedience to the instruction of the Lord…….


  • This new month, the Lord is leading us as expressed in His words Genesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”


  1. To understand that God is capable of satisfying our needs consistently.
  2. To appreciate the different season are creation of the God Almighty and He control them (Gen. 1:14; Col.1:16-17).
  2. God is very much interested in our survival, (Jeremiah 29:11) and He has put in place for us (His children) survival strategies (Isaiah 43:1-2) to weather through all the global storms, yet we shall come out strong and better- SATISFACTION.
  3. God that gives us existence and sustains us- Everything will do as children of God should point to God, because through Him will exist and in Him we do all things- Acts 17:24-28
  4. God gets time and season in His hands and are meant for our thriving and satisfaction- Daniel 2: 20-21a; Psalm 74:16-17; 145:16-17; Amos 5:8
  5. God who does unfathomable wonders- Job 5:8-10
  6. God who cares for the earth and His own round the year- Psalm 65:8-11; Matt.10:29-30
  7. God of unbroken covenant- Gen 8:22; Jer. 33:20; Psalm 89:34
  • Testimony of God’s provision round the clock- Acts 14:16-18; Deut.11;12,14-15
  • Testimony of God’s provision in due season – Lev. 26:4-5; Jer.5:24
  • Testimony of sustenance in the wilderness- Neh. 9:20-21; Exodus 16:16-17
  • Testimony of sustained supply- 1 Kings 7:8-16 (widow of Zarephath); 1 Kings 17:4-6; 7-9 (Elijah in the season of drought); Psalm 37:18-19

Only correct attitude can receive from God.

  • Maintain the life of obedience to God and His instructions- Gen.8:15-18; 1 Kings 17:2,5;15; Gen 22:14
  • Maintain the life of communion and communication with God- Gen.8:20
  • Maintain the life of offering and sacrifice- Gen.8:20b-21; Luke 6:38; Prov.11:25-26; Gen.22:15-18


God who controls all seasons is able to satisfy everyone of us when we get to know Him more and more and we display right attribute towards receiving from Him.


To secure something is to keep, protect, preserve or guard it from being lost or threatened.

The Lord has promised and made available to us His guidance and satisfaction (Is. 58:11).

What He promised is not a momentary, seasonal, or time bound experience but a continuous day-to-day enjoyment.

But how are we going to continue to have and enjoy it, without losing it or having the fear of losing it?


After moulding a molten calf and worshiping it at Mount Sinai, the Lord commanded Moses to carry the children of Israel to the promise land (Gen. 32:1-6, 34).

However, God said He would only send an angel to go before them but He Himself will not go with them (Exod. 33:2-3).

Sin is the greatest enemy that can make a person lose God’s divine guidance because the eyes of God cannot behold sin (Hab 1:13).


Moses knew that he could not go on this assignment alone and succeed so he asked for a suitable and able ally to partner with him.

We cannot succeed on our own, by our own wisdom, efforts, or technical knowhow. We need the helping hand of God.

God can only partner with you if what you’re doing is His will. He will not reward you for an assignment He didn’t commit to you.

To enjoy a secured divine guidance and satisfaction, you must have a personal relationship with God, with a desire to know Him more and more through His divine revelation.


God responded to Moses’ request with a clear statement of assurance (Exod. 33:14).

The abiding presence of God guarantees a secured guidance and satisfaction. It makes the difference in all matters.


1. God’s omnipresence.

God is present everywhere at all times and in equal magnitude (fullness of His presence).

David affirmed this in Ps. 139:7-8 “Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.”

The New Testament believer carries the presence of God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Gen. 28:15-16; Heb. 13:5).

2. God’s manifest presence.

Something that occurs in our lives as God chooses to reveal Himself.

▪︎Jacob at Bethel (Gen. 28:15-16)

▪︎Moses at the burning bush (Exod. 3:2-6). ▪︎Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Dan.3:24-25).

▪︎The disciples in the storm (Mk 4:39).

Do not allow the darkness of the right or the presence of the storm cause you to doubt whether God is present and working in your life as He promised.

The storm of life cannot deny His presence but provide opportunity to prove His promised presence (Is. 43:2; Dan. 3:24-25; Rom 8:28; Jer. 29:11.


It is a great thing to take comfort in the promise of God’s presence but it is a greater thing to live and walk in His presence, by choosing to align ourselves with His plan, purpose and will for our lives (Jer. 29:11 ). This is what actually guarantees our continuous enjoyment of His divine guidance and satisfaction and we will have rest on all sides (Exod. 33:14b; Jos. 21:43-45).

The essence of the Christian life is to live all of life in the consciousness of God’s presence, under His authority, and for His glory.

▪︎Do you know God or you just know about God?

▪︎Have you had a personal encounter with Him?

▪︎Did you know the will of God for your life, job, career, business, marriage, family… and are you operating in that will?

▪︎Are you walking in the consciousness of God’s presence?


▪︎I want to know you Lord. Reveal yourself to me everyday and teach me your ways in Jesus’ name.

▪︎Help me not to operate outside Your will in Jesus’ name.

▪︎Help me to always walk in the consciousness of your presence, not to depart from your presence in Jesus’ name.

▪︎Help me not to lose your guidance in Jesus’ name.

▪︎Satisfy me and give me rest on all sides in Jesus’ name.

KINGDOM VIRTUES (PART 1): SEEKING GOD – Matthew 6:33; Phil.4:8


  • Everything about our God is about the business of the kingdom-John 4:34; 6:
  • Nothing can be understood about Him outside the principle of His kingdom- Matt.11:12.
  • The desire of every child of God is to know more about how to seek God and things of His Kingdom-Phil.3:10; 4:8; Matt 6:33 Malachi 3:1-3 

33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.- Matthew 6:33

  • Pressure of Life Vs Kingdom of God
  • Priority placement- implies the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important than anything else- 1 Kings 17:13; Matthew 4:18-20 ; Ecccl.12:1.
  • Personalised seeking- finding your own time seeking your God, the creator, the shepherd; the guidance, the revealer of all truth- Psalm 63:1
  • Seeking with expectation: Psalm 5:3; Ecclesiastes 11:1; Prov. 23:18; 24:14 –
  • Seeking Him all times- Mark 1:35; Psalm 5;3; Lam.3:22-23; Psalm 119;164-
  • Seeking Him in the Spirit- This require the help of the Holy Spirit ( John 4:24; Romans 14:14; Phil.2:13)- 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.- Rom.8:14
  • Seeking Him wholeheartedly- Jer.29:13; You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
  • Seeking in Holiness- Heb.12:14-16
  • Seeking with a pure heart and soul- Psalm 24:1-2; 42:2 – seekers who belong to the generation of those who seek Him with purity of heart-, not callous heart or heart fill with filthiness.
  • Be lovers of Righteousness- “…But He loves him who follows righteousness.” Proverbs 15:9; Psalm 1; Roman 14:17-18-

….and all these things will be given to you as well.- Matthew 6:33

  • This is what the Lord says to Israel: “Seek me and live.” Amos 5:4;14
  • Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart. – Psalm 119:2; Psalm 34:10 ( good things)
  • And without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.Heb.11:6; Mark 10:28-30 (multiple folds reward here and above)
  • Strength, Joy and Provisions- Isaiah 35:10; 40:31; 55:1
  • Discernment, Understanding, & Wisdom Comes to those who seek Him- 1 Cor.1:25; Prov.3:5-6; 28:5



Our God is a covenant-making and covenant- Keeping God. He remains faithful to His promises even when His people fails to keep their own part of the covenant.

In our previous lessons, we have studied the Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic and Davidic Covenants. Today we shall look at the New Covenant.

The New Covenant (Messianic Covenant).

This is an unconditional covenant in which God promised an enablement whereby His covenant people would have His law written upon their hearts (no longer on tables)and would finally fulfil their designated role as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation to the rest of the world. See Jer. 31:31-34; Ezk. 36:26-28; 1Pt. 2:9-10.

▪︎While Moses was the mediator of the old covenant between God and His people, the nation of Israel, Christ is the Mediator of the new covenant between God and His people (believers), through His finished work of redemption. Check Matt. 26:28; Heb. 9:15.

▪︎While the old covenant required obediance to speciflc stipulations, the new covenant requires faith in Christ, the perfectly obedient Son of Israel.


▪︎The new covenant requires only faith in Christ. However, this faith itself is a gift given to all who trust in Christ as their Saviour.- Eph. 2:8-9. Consider Christ’s words in Jn. 6:44, 65 and Peter’s words to fellow believers in 2Pt. 1:1. God draws the sinner to Christ and gives the ability to believe. See also Rom. 3:11 and Matt. 16:17.

▪︎Through faith, Christians have the privileges of peace with God (Rom. 5:1), eternal life (Jn. 3:15; Rom. 6:23), indwelt by the Holy Spirit (1Cor. 3:16), and are been conformed to the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29).

▪︎Every Christian has a measure of faith gifted him at the point of salvation. It is not a one-time momentary experience but is meant to progress.

Reflection: 1. What do you understand by “the just shall live by his faith” in Hab. 2:4?

2. How can we increase our faith?


1. Our ability to understand the Bible in particular and God’s dealings with humanity in general depends on how well we understand the biblical covenants.

2. Understanding the covenants help us understand God in terms of His character, His will, and His plan.

3. Each of the covenants can be associated with a particular attribute of God’s character.

▪︎Adamic Covenant: God is sovereign and man is His regent on earth (Gen.1:28; Ps. 8:6; 24:1; 72:8-11; Rev. 1:6; 5:10).

▪︎Noahic Covenant: God is loving and patient. (2Pt. 3:9).

▪︎Abrahamic Covenant: God is good/kind, the source of all blessings (Exd. 18:9; 2Sam. 9:3; Eph. 1:3).

▪︎Mosaic Covenant: God is righteous and the source of all righteous laws, judgements, statutes and decrees (Deut. 4:8; 32:4; Ps.119:137-138.

▪︎Davidic Covenant: God remains faithful to His covenants despite people’s unfaithfulness (2Tim. 2:13).

▪︎New Covenant: God is forgiving, merciful and eternally loving (Jer. 31:34; Matt. 9:2-6; Lk. 24:46-47; Eph. 4:32).

4. Everything that God does is based on covenant (Num. 23:19; Is. 55:11).


The Bible is a book of God’s covenants, and all the covenants point to Christ. Man cannot perfectly obey all the stipulations of the old covenant but Christ fulfilled the requirements of them all. Therefore, by faith in Christ alone, believers are deemed to have fulfilled the requirements of all the previous covenants and have been declared righteous (justified) before God. YOU ARE RIGHTEOUS! Believe this and tap into the grace of God to continue to live a righteous and progressive life in Christ, to the glory of God the Father. May the Lord help us so to do in Jesus’ name.

My God, My Light and My Salvation

Psalm 27:1-6


• The scripture for consideration today speaks of hope in the name of the Lord.

• This is the testimony of David  Psalm 27:1

1. The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear?

2. The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?

3. God is reveal as the confidence and assurance against all odds, today and tomorrow

4. David drew this conclusion because of his encounter with the Lord as he gave us hope in the word of God- 2 Sam.22:28-30

What are the Implications of Psalm 27:1

A.  My God:

1. Implies assurance that God is mine, yours and ours. “My” here is possessive – Psalm 48:14; Exodus 15:2

2.  It implies my personal testimonies of God that He will deliver- Psalm 31:14; Daniel 3:17; Lam.3:24.

3. It connotes the abiding presence of God in all situations. Psalm 27: 4 ; Psalm 46:1; 73:23-24; Daniel 3:24-25; Heb.13:5 Psalm:23-24

B. My Light:

1. The light of God speaks of the manifestation of God’s presence in divine guidance- Exodus 33:14-16

2. It guarantees light that dispel darkness- Psalm 27:2 Psalm 18:28; 2 Sam.22:29; Micah 7:8

3. It speaks of illumination that cannot be conquered- God is the conqueror of darkness and gloominess

C. My Salvation: Psalm 27: 5

1. It implies the rescue in place of danger or crises- Psalm 23:4; 124:7

2. It expresses deliverance from stronghold- Psalm 91:3-5 : 2 Chron.20:9

3. It indicates victory over challenges and opposition – 1 Cor.15:57


If you continue to have Jesus as your God this month, He will be your light and salvation