In this series of learning from the parables in the scripture as taught by Jesus, the great teacher (John 3:2; Matt.22:16; Mark 12:14), our overall aim is to understand the basis for these parables, its application in the kingdom business and how each parable influences our lives as children of God.


They are short allegorical stories designed to teach a truth, religious principle, or moral lesson. They are often engaging stories that contain few details but are ripe with meaning.

A parable is a teaching tool, and one that Jesus used often. His parables were short, ranging from simple/single verse (Matt. 13:33- parable of the leaven; Matt.13;44- hidden treasure) to a couple of multiple verses (Luke 15:11-32- prodigal son; Matt.13:1-23- the sower).   Mention other parables taught by Jesus………

Parable goes beyond the interesting storytelling, but it also had a deeper meaning, illustrating a spiritual truth. Jesus’s parables used elements of everyday life to illustrate a more profound message.

Topical theme of parables of Jesus centres on life lessons such as love, prayer, forgiveness, God’s kingdom, stewardship, accountability, redemption, and end times. These are essential for successful living in this world and in world to come

With parables, Jesus told stories that revealed the truth about God’s kingdom while simultaneously challenging the commonly held world views of many of those to whom He spoke. Just as Jesus addressed crowds years ago, he speaks to all of us today, challenging us to open our hearts to his message.


REFELECTION/DISCUSSION: What is your opinion on why Jesus obscures the meaning of the parables from non-disciples?

Jesus had two reasons for teaching in parables. (1). The first was to enable his followers to grasp the secrets of the kingdom of heaven more easily, clearly, and abundantly. It was a teaching tool for them and all children of God till today (1 Cor.1:18; Mark 4:10-12). And the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer continues to give understanding of these parables today to teach us the secrets of the kingdom. (Matt.13:16)

(2). His second reason was just the opposite. It hid the secrets of the kingdom from those who had not committed themselves to his lordship. They cannot gain the understanding of what the master teaches. They are regarded as strangers, outsiders and outcast as far the kingdom business is concern (Eph.2:12-13). The Parables allow those who have faith, along with the instruction of the Holy Spirit, to learn about the kingdom. And they prevent others from doing the same. Those without faith and the Spirit are unable to understand the truths of Jesus’ parables. (Psalm 119:18,105; John 6:63; 1 Cor.2:6-15).


Learning the parable is good but the optimal aim of Jesus is for disciples/believers to respond appropriately to the deep messages and mysteries of the parable. Therefore, we must respond in the following manner:

  1. Read and study it over and over again- Rev.1:3; Romans 10:17; Joshua 1:8
  2. Let your heart be committed to the word of God- Psalm 119:10-11; 2 Pet.1;19-21
  3. Ask God for deep understanding – through revelation God’s truth is made known to His children- Mark 4:10(14-20); Matt.13:10
  4. Search for specific instruction(s) God has for you from specific parable.- Prov.1:5-7
  5. Living by the truth learnt from the parable- individually and as congregation. – Matt.4:4; Romans 15:4
  6. Teach the truth learnt to others.- Matt.5:19

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